Index |
6 Dec 1859 QV 1860-1863 issue 1d, 2d, 4d, 9d
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Index |
1860 QV 1860-1863 issue Blue ruled; 1d, 2d, 3d, 4d
| | |
Index |
1863–72 QV 1863-1872 issue Card; ½d on 10d, 1d, 2d, 3d, 4d
| | |
Index |
QV 1863-1872 issue Card; 6d blue green, 6d dull violet, 9d green
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Index |
QV 1863-1872 issue Card; 10d, 1s, 5s
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Index |
QV 1878 overprinted cents issue Card; 2 cents surcharge on blank dull rose
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Index |
QV 1878 overprinted cents issue Card; 8c, 13c, 17c, 25c
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Index |
QV 1878 overprinted cents issue Card; 38c
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Index |
QV 1878 overprinted cents issue Card; 50c, 2Rs50c
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Index |
1861 QV 1863-1872 issue 6d, 1s
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Index |
22 Apr 1863 QV 1863-1872 issue 1d, 2d, 4d, 6d dull violet, 9d green, 1s Yellow
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Index |
18 Jun 1863 QV 1863-1872 issue 3d, 5s
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Index |
17 Feb 1865 QV 1863-1872 issue 1d, 2d, 4d, 6d green
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Index |
20 Jul 1872 QV 1863-1872 issue Black on small white card; 10d maroon
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Index |
26 Oct 1877 – 31 Dec 1877 QV 1879 issue Black on small white card; 2c, 4c, 8c, 13c, 17c, 25c, 38c, 50c, 2Rs50c
| | |
Index |
28 Sep 1883 QV 1883 issue Black on small white card; New Design
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Index |
20 Jul 1889 QV Inland Revenue Black on small white card; 4c
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Index |
12 Jan 1877 QV HALF PENNY Surcharge Black on small white card; ½d
| | |
Index |
20 Aug 1889 QV Inland Revenue Black on small white card;
| | |
Index |
13 Apr 1895 QV First Arms Type issue Black on small white card; Cents size
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Index |
24 May 1895 QV First Arms Type issue Black on small white card; Cents size
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Index |
11 Dec 1896 QV First Arms Type issue Black on small white card; Rupee size
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Index |
25 Sep 1877 QV Postal stationery Large white card; 50c dark blue
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Index |
13 Jan 1893 QV Queens head Small white card; 1c Purple & lilac
| | |
Index |
1878 QV Queens head Small white card; 4c lilac
| | |
Index |
1910 QV Second Arms Type issue Small white card; 2c Black and Red
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Index |
1902–05 QV Second Arms Type issue Large white card; 3c Red
| | |
Index |
1910 QV Second Arms Type issue Small white card; 5c Black
| | |
Index |
28 Mar 1899 QV Labourdonnais Large white card; 18 c Blue
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Index |
28 Mar 1899 QV Labourdonnais Large white card; 18c Blue
| | |
Index |
Jul 1899 QV Labourdonnais Large white card; 15c Blue
| | |
Index |
1860–63 QV 1860-1863 issue 2d blue, 4d rose, 6d blue green, 6d dull violet, 1s green
| | |
Index |
1863–72 QV 1863-1872 issue 4d rose, 6d dull violet, 9d green, 5s mauve
| | |
Index |
1863–72 QV 1863-1872 issue 2d pale blue, 6d green, 2d Bright blue, 3d red, 4d pale rose, 6d purple, 4d rose, 1d brown, 1d purple brown, 9d green, 1d bistre pair, 1s yellow, 10d maroon, 2d bright blue, 4d rose, 1s blue, 10d maroon, 5s pale mauve, 6d blue green
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Index |
1877 QV Surcharge HALF PENNY on 1d maroon
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Index |
1878 QV First decimal issue 2Rs50c on 5s Mauve, 4c on 1d bistre
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Index |
1879–80 QV 1879-1880 issue White card; 8c blue
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Index |
1879–80 QV 1879-1880 issue White card; 13c slate
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Index |
1879–80 QV 1879-1880 issue White card; 17c rose
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Index |
1879–80 QV 1879-1880 issue White card; 38c purple
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Index |
1879–80 QV 1879-1880 issue White card; 50c green
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Index |
1879–80 QV 1879-1880 issue White card; 2Rs50c, brown purple
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Index |
14 Dec 1882 QV 1883-1894 issue White sheet 2c Venetian red, 4c orange, 16 c manuscript rose, 25 c olive yellow
| | |
Index |
1879–80 QV 1879-1880 issue wmk CC 2c, 4c, 8c x2, 13c, 17c x2, 25c, 38c, 50c x2, 2Rs50c x2
| | |
Index |
1882–83 QV 1883-1894 issue 2c single, 2c block 4, 4c block 4, 25c block 4, 25c single
| | |
Index |
| | |
Index |
4 Jan 1883 QV 16 c New Design White card; 16c rose
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Index |
22 Feb 1883 QV SIXTEEN CENTS SURCHARGE 16c on 17c rose
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Index |
23 Jul 1883 QV 1883-1894 issue Card; 2c red, 2c green, 4c orange, 4 c carmine, 8c blue, 13c slatex2, 16c on 17 c, Barbados blank value brown, 25c olive yellow, 38c purple, 50c green, 50c orange, 2Rs50c brown-purple
| | |
Index |
2 Jul 1883 QV 1885 chestnut 16c chestnut
| | |
Index |
1885–91 QV 1883-1894 issue 2c single, 2c green, 4c carmine, 8c blue, 16c chestnut, 50c orange
| | |
Index |
1885–91 QV 1883-1894 issue Card; 16c chestnut
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Index |
8 May 1886 QV 1883-1894 issue Card; 50c orange
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Index |
1 Jan 1893 QV ONE CENT Surcharge no bars 1c on 2c violet
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Index |
1 Jan 1893 QV ONE CENT Surcharge with two bars 1c on 16c chestnut Block 4
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Index |
5 Jan 1893 QV New Design Beige card; 1c violet
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Index |
13 Jan 1893 QV New Design Beige card; 1c violet Tablet design
| | |
Index |
Nov 1894 QV First arms type issue Large card; Multi-coloured
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Index |
QV First arms type issue Large card; Black
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Index |
23 Mar 1895 QV First arms type issue Large card; 3c barred through, blue
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Index |
22 Apr 1895 QV First arms type issue Large card; Black
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Index |
1893–94 QV 1883-1894 issue 1c pale violet, 15c chestnut, 15c blue
| | |
Index |
1895–99 QV First arms type issue 1c purple & ultramarine, 2c purple & orange, 3c dull & deep purple, 4c purple & emerald, 6c green & rose red, 18c green & ultramarine
| | |
Index |
5 Dec 1894 QV First arms type issue Brown paper; 3c doubly fugitive purple
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Index |
12 Aug 1895 QV First arms type issue Single large sheet; 3c purple x11 singles with different colour duty panels, 2Rs 50c grey & carmine
| | |
Index |
30 Oct 1896 QV First arms type issue Single large sheet; 3c
| | |
Index |
5 Nov 1896 QV First arms type issue Single large sheet; 3c
| | |
Index |
20 May 1897 QV First arms type issue Rupee values Single large sheet; 1Rs, 2Rs50c x6, 5Rs x3 Duty plates various colours
| | |
Index |
20 May 1897 QV First arms type issue Rupee values Single large sheet; 1Rs x3 in purple, 1Rs x3 in Grey
| | |
Index |
1 Sep 1897– Feb 1898 QV Diamond Jubile Small card; No Value
| | |
Index |
1 Sep 1897 QV Diamond Jubile Large card; 36c
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Index |
14 Oct 1897 QV Diamond Jubile Small card;
| | |
Index |
20 Oct 1897 QV Diamond Jubile Small card;
| | |
Index |
Feb 1898 QV Diamond Jubile Small card; 36c
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Index |
20 Oct 1897 QV Diamond Jubile Small card;
| | |
Index |
QV Diamond Jubile
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Index |
28 Mar 1899 QV Labourdonnais Large card; 18c Blue & Brown
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Index |
28 Mar 1899 QV Labourdonnais Large card; 19c Blue & Brown
| | |
Index |
28 Mar 1899 QV Labourdonnais Large card; 18c Blue
| | |
Index |
28 Mar 1899 QV Labourdonnais Large card; 19c Blue
| | |
Index |
19 Sep 1899 QV Labourdonnais Large card; 15c x12 in various colours
| | |
Index |
1 Nov 1899 QV First arms type issue Single large sheet; 1c x11, 1Rs x3 Various colours
| | |
Index |
1 Nov 1899 QV First arms type issue Single large sheet; 1c x24, 1Rs x 10 Various colours
| | |
Index |
Dec 1899 QV Labourdonnais Small card; 15c black
| | |
Index |
Dec 1900 QV Labourdonnais Small card; 15c blue
| | |
Index |
1899 QV Surcharges 6c on 18c, 15c on 36c
| | |
Index |
1902 KE7 Surcharges 12c on 36c, 12c on 18c
| | |
Index |
1900 QV Surcharges 4c on 16c chestnut
| | |
Index |
KG5 50Rs with blank key
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Index |
7 Jun 1900 QV First arms type issue Single large sheet; 1c x12, 1Rs x3 Various colours
| | |
Index |
7 Jun 1900 QV First arms type issue Single large sheet; 1c x9, 1Rs x5 Various colours
| | |
Index |
22 Jun 1900 QV First arms type issue Single large sheet; 1c x27 Various colours
| | |
Index |
7 Jun 1900 QV First arms type issue Single large sheet; 1c x14, 1Rs x3 Various colours
| | |
Index |
1900 QV First arms type issue Small cards; 1c, 2c, 4c, 15c
| | |
Index |
1902–05 KE7 First arms type issue Small cards some dated; 5c, 3c, 6c, 12c, 4c, 4c, 15c, 2Rs50, 25c, 1Rs50c, 5Rs
| | |
Index |
1910 KE7 Second Arms type issue & Edward VII issue Small cards some dated; 1c, 2c, 3c, 5c, 4c, 6c, 8c, 12c, 25c, 15c, 50c, 1Rs, 2Rs50, 5Rs, 10Rs
| | |
Index |
1900 First arms type issue 15c, 2c, 1c, 4c
| | |
Index |
1902–05 KE7 First arms type issue 3c, 4c grey, 4c blue, 5c dull purple & purple, 5c dull purple & black, 8c green & black, 6c purple & carmine, 12c grey, 25c, 5Rs, 2Rs50
| | |
Index |
16 Jan 1908 KE7 Second Arms type issue Large card; 5c Black small format
| | |
Index |
16 Jan 1908 KE7 Second Arms type issue Large card; 3Rs large format vertical
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Index |
31 Jan 1908 KE7 Second Arms type issue Large card; 3Rs large format horizontal
| | |
Index |
24 Jun 1908 KE7 Second Arms type issue Large card; 12c issued format
| | |
Index |
1904–07 KE7 First arms type issue Large sheet; 1c, 6c, 2c, 3c, 4c, 1Rs, 15c, 50c all in Blocks of 4
| | |
Index |
1910 KE7 Second Arms type issue Small card; Blanked duty plate
| | |
Index |
1910 KE7 Second Arms type issue Large sheet; 1c, 2c, 3c, 4c, 6c in Blocks of 4
| | |
Index |
1910 KE7 Second Arms type issue Large sheet; 6c carmine red, 8c orange, 15c blue in Blocks of 4
| | |
Index |
1910 KE7 Kings Head Large sheet; 25c single, Blocks of 4 5c, 12c, Single 50c, 2Rs 50, 1Rs, 5Rs, 10Rs
| | |
Index |
1913–23 KG5 Kings Head GV 5c, 12c, 25c, 50c, 1R, 2Rs50, 5Rs, 10rs,
| | |
Index |
1921–34 KG5 Kings Head & Second arms type 6c, 4c, 10c, 12c red arms, 12c red kings head, perfined 12c grey, 15c, 20c, 50Rs
| | |
Index |
1926–34 KG5 Second arms type 2c, 3c, 4c, 10c, 12c, 20c,
| | |
Index |
1926–34 KG5 Kings Head GV 1c, 2c, 3c, 4c, 8c, 10c, 12c, 15c, 20c purple, 20c blue
| | |
Index |
30 Apr 1924 Large Arms Type Large Card; 50Rs purple
| | |
Index |
15 Apr 1924 Large Arms Type Small card; 50Rs Black
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Index |
17 Apr 1924 Large Arms Type Small card; 50Rs Black
| | |
Index |
19 Jul 1926 KG5 Kings Head GV Card; 1c in various colours for 1c, 2c, 3c, 4c, 8c, 15c, 10c, 20c
| | |
Index |
9 Jul 1927 KG5 Kings Head GV Large Card; 6c sepia
| | |
Index |
31 Mar 1932 KG5 Kings Head GV Large Card; 4c green
| | |
Index |
7 Apr 1932 KG5 Kings Head GV Large Card; 20c blue
| | |
Index |
13 Dec 1933 KG5 Kings Head GV Large Card; 12c grey
| | |
Index |
1913–23 KG5 Kings Head GV Single large sheet; 2Rs50, 5Rs, 10Rs, Blocks of 4 5c, 1Rs, 12c, 25c, 50c
| | |
Index |
1921–34 KG5 Second arms type Single large sheet; Blocks of 4 20c, 10c, 2c, 1c, 4c green, 4c yellow & carmine, 15c, 12c
| | |
Index |
1921–34 KG5 Second arms type Single large sheet; Blocks of 4 8c, 6c carmine, 6c mauve,
| | |
Index |
1921–34 KG5 Kings Head GV Single large sheet; Blocks of 4 5c, 12cpale grey, 5c, 12c slate, 12c red, 12c grey, 50c purple & black
| | |
Index |
1921–34 KG5 Kings Head GV Single large sheet; Blocks of 4 25c on pale yellow, 25c buff?, 1rs, 5rs, 1rs, 2rs50, 50rs, 10rs
| | |
Index |
1926 KG5 Second arms type Single large sheet; Blocks of 4 12 c grey, 2c purple on yellow, 3c green, 4c brown, 10c red, 20c purple, 15c blue
| | |
Index |
1926–34 KG5 Kings Head GV Single large sheet; 2c, 1c, 4c sage green & carmine x2, 4c green, 3c green, 6c sepia, 8c, 10c carmine red Die II, 15c Prussian blue, 20c purple, 20c blue Die I, 10c red Die I, 20c blue Die II
| | |
Index |
13 Dec 1934 KG5 Silver Jubilee Large sheet; 5c, 12c, 20c, 1Rs Black
| | |
Index |
6 May 1935 KG5 Silver Jubilee Large sheet; 5c, 12c, 20c
| | |
Index |
6 May 1935 KG5 Silver Jubilee Large sheet; 1Rs
| | |
Index |
12 May 1937 KG6 Coronation Large sheet; 5c 12c, 20c
| | |
Index |
1938 KG6 Definitives Large sheet; 2c, 4c, 3c, 5c, 10c, 12c, 20c, 25c, 1Rs, 2Rs50, 5Rs, 10Rs
| | |
Index |
2 Jun 1953 QE2 1953 Coronation Large sheet; 10c black & emerald
| | |
Index |
1889 QV Inland Revenue Overprint 4c red
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Index |
Feb 1889 QV Inland Revenue Overprint Small card; 4c purple
| | |
Index |
1896–98 QV Inland Revenue Small card; 4c purple x2, 4c green
| | |
Index |
1896–98 QV Inland Revenue Large sheet; 4c (green?)
| | |
Index |
24 Apr 1869 QV Internal Revenue small card; Value blank, black
| | |
Index |
26 Apr–5 May 1869 QV Internal Revenue Very small individual value cards; 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, 2d, 3d, 4d, 6d, 8d, 5s, 10s, £1
| | |
Index |
4 Nov QV Bill Stamp small card; ONE PENNY
| | |
Index |
22 Dec QV Bill Stamp small card; No value, black
| | |
Index |
19 May 1933 KG5 Registration fee Stationery Small card; 20c blue
| | |
Index |
7 Feb 1933 KG5 Stationery Postcard Postcard; 3c purple
| | |
Index |
c1878 QV Bill Stamp decimal Large Sheet; 5c green, 10c green, 15c green, 25c green, 35c blue, 40c rose, 65c green, 85c green, 1Rs25c blue, 1Rs65c brown, 2Rs50c brown, 3Rs35c brown, 8Rs35c brown, 4Rs15c brown
| | |
Index |
c1878 QV Internal revenue overprinted INSURANCE decimal Large sheet; 13c, 26c, 39c, 52c, 1Rs56c, 2Rs8c, 2Rs60c, 5Rs20c, 10Rs40c
| | |
Index |
c1878 QV Internal revenue decimal 50c brown
| | |
Index |
c1878 QV First second & third of Exchange £sd 1d green, 6d green, 5s brown
| | |
Index |
c1878 QV Second & third of Exchange 1s3d brown
| | |
Index |
c1878 QV Internal revenue £sd 2d, 3d, 4d, 6d, 8d, 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 10s
| | |
Index |
c1878 QV Internal revenue decimal 5c, 15c, 25c, 50c, 75c, 1Rs, 1Rs25c, 1Rs50c, 2Rs, 2Rs50c, 3Rs75c, 5Rs, 7Rs50c, 10Rs
| | |
Index |
8 Dec 1921 KG5 Registered Postal stationery envelope Brown paper on Small card; 20c red
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Index |
8 Dec 1921 KG5 Postal stationery envelope Small card; 12c red
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Index |
8 Dec 1921 KG5 Postal stationery envelope Small card; 20c red
| | |