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Date Loaded:
26 Apr 2019 12:03:00
Item Information
Record Type:
Philatelic Collection / Exhibit
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Item Title:
Viet nam
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Copyright Deceased Year:
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Publication Place:
UK : London
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Number of Pages:
Vers: 1
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
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Index 24 Aug 1952 1st Anniv. of Admission to I.T.U. White 1p blue   
Index 3 Sep 1952 Day of Wandering Souls White card; 10p deep green   
Index 3 Sep 1952 Day of Wandering Souls White; 40c red, 70c green, 80c blue, 90c brown, 3p70c purple   
Index 12 Sep 1952 1st Anniv of Admission into U.P.U. White 5p brown   
Index 10 Nov 1952 40th Birthday of Emperor White card; 1p 20 black   
Index 10 Nov 1952 40th Birthday of Emperor White; 1p50 purple   
Index 10 Nov 1952 40th Birthday of Emperor White card; 3p purple   
Index 10 Nov 1952 40th Birthday of Emperor White card; 1p20 black   
Index 10 Nov 1952 40th Birthday of Emperor White card; 3p black   
Index 21 Dec 1952 Wounded Soldiers’ Relief Fund White card 1p black   
Index 21 Dec 1952 Wounded Soldiers’ Relief Fund White 3p30+1p70 lake   
Index 21 Dec 1952 Wounded Soldiers’ Relief Fund White card 3p30+1p70 black   
Index 7 Jul 1958 Better Living Standards White; 50c green, 1p violet, 2p blue, 10p red   
Index 27 Sep 1958 Children’s Festival White 30c lemon, 50c red, 2p red, 3p green, 4p olive   
Index 26 Oct 1958 United Nations Day white; 1p light brown, 2p turquoise, 4p red 5p purple   
Index 10 Dec 1958 10th Anniv. of Declaration of Human Rights White; 50c blue, 1p lake, 2p green, 6p purple   
Index 25 Dec 1958 Phu-Cam cathedral White 6p brown, 10c slate,   
Index 25 Dec 1958 Saigon museum White 40c green 5p red   
Index 15 May 1959 Thien Mu Pagoda White 30c green, 4p lilac   
Index 7 Sep 1959 Palace of Independence, Saigon White 50c green, 2p blue   
Index 14 Mar 1959 Trung Sisters Commem White; 50c, 2p, 3p, 6p multicoloured   
Index 1958–59 Unissued designs white; 20c blue, 3p green   
Index 3 Jan 1963 President Ngo Dinh Diem’s 62nd Birthday & Spring Festival white; 60c red, 1p blue