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Date Loaded:
12 Mar 2024 11:05:40
Item Information
Record Type:
Museum Objects
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Item Title:
Watermark detector. Electric watermark detector in box with lens and plastic colour filters. I. Detector brown wood box with a slanted top side. Top: rotating knob in centre, viewfinder (drilled hole through the wood with plastic underneath) diagonal top right of the knob, scale described on white plastic to the left of the knob. Bare base. Front side: diamond-shaped stamped logo reading 'THE "Philatector"' centrally, 'H. & A. WALLACE LONDON' above, and 'PATENT APPLIED FOR' below. Left side has
Copyright End Year:
Item Sub Title:
Copyright End Rule Code:
Item Alternate Title:
The Gavin Fryer Collection
Copyright End Rule Text:
United Kingdom
Copyright Deceased Year:
Who Name:
H. & A. Wallace (Philatelists) Ltd (manufacturer)
Class Mark:
Publication Place:
Great Britain : Great Britain
Physical Description:
width whole mm 136 length whole mm 149 depth whole mm 89
Page Nos List:
1900 to 1999
Number of Pages:
Item Alt No:
H. & A. Wallace (Philatelists) Ltd Manufacturer
Item Notes
RPSL AdLib Reference
 watermark detector 2013.118
Associated Documents
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Key Words 
Object Part Watermark detector. Electric watermark detector in box with lens and plastic colour filters. Detector: brown wood box with a slanted top side. Top: rotating knob in centre, viewfinder (drilled hole through the wood with plastic underneath) diagonal top right of the knob, scale described on white plastic to the left of the knob. Bare base. Front side: diamond-shaped stamped logo reading 'THE "Philatector"' centrally, 'H. & A. WALLACE LONDON' above, and 'PATENT APPLIED FOR' below. Left side has a United Kingdom  
Object Part Watermark detector. Electric watermark detector in box with lens and plastic colour filters. Hinged clear plastic slide. Metal hinge attaching two identical long pieces of plastic, which can be inserted into the detector. Kept in the 'Slide and Supplementary Colour Filters' envelope. United Kingdom  
Object Part Watermark detector. Electric watermark detector in box with lens and plastic colour filters. Three coloured plastic filters, one green, one blue, one red, wrapped in tissue paper and inserted into the 'Slide and Supplementary Colour Filters' envelope. United Kingdom  
Object Part Watermark detector. Electric watermark detector in box with lens and plastic colour filters. Card box in two parts, held together by metal staples, base has card padding for the detector, an information leaflet, and an 'IMPORTANT' note on how to assemble the detector for use. Lid has a sticker attached, but slightly torn. Red, white and orange in colour, reading 'The PHILATECTOR ..lectric WATERMARK DETECTOR' 'H. & A. WALLACE. 94 OLD BROAD STREET. E.C. 2' with a photograph of the detector on the United Kingdom