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Date Loaded:
12 Aug 2019 09:46:22
Item Information
Record Type:
Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
October 1957; Vol: 071/1
Copyright End Year:
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Page Nos List:
Oct 1957
Number of Pages:
Vol 71/1
Item Alt No:
No data to display
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Key Words 
Index Censorship Monograph Pre WW1 Africa South Africa British side Code 0B1-1T.MacMahon
Index Censorship Monograph WW1 The Americas Bermuda Code 1C2T.McMahon
Index Censorship Monograph WW2 The Americas British Empire Bermuda (C, IC) Code 3C10-3T.MacMahon
Index The Interruption of Mail in Wartime, Use of Forms WW2 Europe Great Britain Civil mail Code 3A8-1R.Wike
Index World War I Handstamp WW1 Africa British censorship Seychelles Code 1B1-13K.Fitton
Index A: to above WW2 Europe Great Britain Civil mail Code 3A8-1R.Horton
Index Blue on White O B C Label WW1 Europe Great Britain Civil mail Code 1A7-1G.Mark
Index Q: & A: Cancelled Air Mail Label WW2 Europe France After liberation in summer 1944 Code 3A5-3Ch.LaBlonde & Ch. Sperber
Index Q: & A: Late WW II Censorship Post WW2 Europe Great Britain Code 4A23K.Morenweiser & R.Horton
Index Q: & A: A Questionable Cover WW2 Europe Great Britain Civil mail Code 3A8-1M.Forand & K.Morenweiser
Index Q: & A: Handstamps WW2 Africa British censors in Africa & the Middle East Network Egypt Code 3B1-1R.Emery, K.Morenweiser, D.Page & A.Kennedy
Index Polish forces Mail in U.K. WW2 Europe Great Britain Field post Code 3A8-2R.Negus
Index Samoan Civilian Censorship WW2 Australasia & Oceania British Empire Samoa (DDA) Code 3E1-10N.Sawyer
Index Postal Censor Birmingham Date Stamp WW2 Europe Great Britain Civil mail Code 3A8-1J.Daynes
Index PoW Camp for Officers at Fukuoka WW1 Asia Japan Code 1D6A.Klabes