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12 Aug 2019 09:46:22
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
July 1989; Vol: 103/7
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Jul 1989
Number of Pages:
Vol 103/7
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Index He Jumped Into Topicals! Ex-Paratrooper Free Falls for Parachute Stamps, Related Items Topical Collecting, Parachute Stamps LeVangia, Warren
Index What Price the World? World War I Adventures of Austro-Hungarian Traced Through Cards, Letters World War I, Postal History, Prisoner of War and Internee Mail, Austro-Hungarian Army, Muller, Otto, Hogancamp, Rebecca
Index Adventures of No. 15 Squadron : Royal Navy Men Saw the World All Right -- From Armored Cars World War I, Great Britain, British Troops sent to Russia, Military Mail, Lampson, Oliver Locker, RNAS Armoured Car Squadron Collins, Peter
Index Internment Camps in Hungary for Polish Military Personnel World War II, Prisoner of War and Internee Mail, Poland, Hungary Gazda, Istvan
Index Inconsistencies in Scott Catalogues: 'Decision Rules' of Earlier Years Don't Seem to Apply Catalogues and Price Guides, Scott Catalogue, Prices and Values Goodman, Charles S.
Index Birth of Postage Stamp : Part 2 Need for Post Office Reform Recongnized during the 1820s Great Britain, Postal Laws and Regulations, Commission of Inquiry into the Collection and Management of the Revenues arising in Ireland and Great Britain 1829-30, Postal Reform Grimwood-Taylor, James
Index Letter to the Editor: Bogus Stamps on the Market Bogus Issues, Al-Rashid Emirate Wickberg, Paul
Index Michel-Briefmarken-Katalog USA-Spezial 1989 ( Michel USA Specialized Catalog 1989)| [book review] United States, Catalogs and Price Lists|- Book Review  
Index United States First-Class Mail Permit Stamp Catalog| [book review] United States, Permit Mail, Catalogs and Price Lists|- Book Review Stambaugh, Richard
Index Deaths: Dr. Cortland Eyer Obituaries: Eyer, Dr. Cortland  
Index Deaths: Ellery Denison Obituaries: Denison, Ellery