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12 Aug 2019 09:46:22
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Journal / Periodical
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December 1996; Vol: 110/12
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Dec 1996
Number of Pages:
Vol 110/12
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Index Editor's Letter: Joshua Fit the Mettle of Irving's Ichabod United States, New York, 1849, Joshua, Irving, Washington, Crane, Ichabod Welch, Bill
Index The Organ and Piano Industries of Washington Borough, New Jersey Covers, Advertising, United States, New Jersey, Organ, Piano Spencer, Albert
Index The First Christmas Card and the Post Topical Collecting, Christmas, Cole Henry, Postal Stationery Rowe, Kenneth
Index Philatelic First Glances Can Be Deceiving Postal Cards, Post Cards, Postal Markings, Stamped-to-order, Printed-to-Private-Order, Great Britain Fricke, Charles A.
Index International Stamp Dealers Directory, 11th Edition| [book review] Directories, Dealers|- Book Review Phillips, Graham (ed)
Index The Catalog of Union Civil War Patriotic Covers| [book review] Covers, Civil War, Catalogs and Price Lists|- Book Review Weiss, William R., Jr.
Index United States Stamps: Closing Out Big Year for First Day Covers First Days, Covers Lawrence, Ken
Index Swedish Postal Issues Commemorating Nobel Prize Laureates Sweden, Commemoratives, Topical Collecting, Famous People, Nobel Prize Winners, Science Walton, Harold
Index Letter to the Editor: Selvedge Necessary to Sell Plate Numbers and Blocks, Conditions and Description of Stamps Ragsdale, James E. Sr.
Index The Comprehensive Listing of Artcraft Covers: Their Varieites and Values (1939-94), Fourth Edition| [book review] Cachets, Covers, Catalogs and Price Lists|- Book Review Severe, Martin L.
Index Stanley Gibbons Stamp Catalogue, Part 19: Middle East| [book review] Catalogs and Price Lists, Middle East|- Book Review  
Index Hong Kong - Japanese Occupation and Mr. H. da Luz| [book review] Hong Kong, Japanese Occupation, Covers, World War II, da Luz, Henry|- Book Review Tsang, Ming W.
Index Norge: Helpostkatalog/ Postal Stationery Catalogue, 1996/97 Edition| [book review] Catalogs and Price Lists, Postal Stationery, Norway|- Book Review Arne, Finn (ed)
Index A Snapshot of 1899 England Great Britain, Covers Weiss, Gary S.
Index State of Philately in Romania Romania, Philately Mihale, Daniel
Index New Member Spotlight: Harold W. Boothroyd Boothroyd, Harold W., American Philatelic Society  
Index Philatelic Favorite: New Year's Fun at the Post Office United States, New York, New York, Post Offices, New Year's Eve Dunaier, Gary