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Date Loaded:
12 Aug 2019 09:46:22
Item Information
Record Type:
Journal / Periodical
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Series Title:
Item Title:
August 1997; Vol: 111/8
Copyright End Year:
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Physical Description:
Page Nos List:
Aug 1997
Number of Pages:
Vol 111/8
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
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No data to display
Key Words 
Index Medal \ Attaining a \ Large Gold New South Wales Article; RevenueDruce, Edric C
Index Large \ Gold Medal \ Attaining a New South Wales Article;Druce, Edric C
Index \ One-Frame \ Exhibits Article; Thematic PhilatelyBorrie, Ian F
Index 99 World Stamp \ Expo \ The Postal Stationery Class at Australia Article; Postal Stationery; Postal HistoryMcMahon, Ian
Index Stamp Expo \ The Postal Stationery Class at Australia 99 \ World Article;McMahon, Ian
Index Stationery Class at Australia 99 World Stamp \ Expo \ The Postal Article; AerophilatelyMcMahon, Ian
Index Class at \ Australia 99 World Stamp Expo \ The Postal Stationery Article; Social Philately; Postal HistoryMcMahon, Ian
Index Expo \ The Postal Stationery \ Class at Australia 99 World Stamp Information;McMahon, Ian
Index \ The Traditional Class at Australia \ 99 World Stamp Expo Article;Blake, Michael
Index Australia 99 World Stamp Expo \ The \ Traditional Class at Article; TraditionalBlake, Michael
Index Australia 99 World \ Stamp Expo \ The Traditional Class at Article; TraditionalBlake, Michael
Index Stamp Expo \ The \ Traditional Class at Australia 99 World Article;Blake, Michael
Index Australia 99 \ World Stamp Expo \ The Traditional Class at Article;Blake, Michael
Index Status Stamps Pty Ltd Advertisement 
Index Classic Stamps Ltd Advertisement 
Index Lugdunum Philatelie Advertisement 
Index Australia 99 World Stamp Expo \ Revenue Philately at Article; Postal StationerySmith, Dingle
Index Stamp Expo \ Revenue \ Philately at Australia 99 World Article; Postal History; TraditionalSmith, Dingle
Index Traditional \ Very Article;Blake, Michael
Index Very Traditional Article; TraditionalBlake, Michael