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12 Aug 2019 09:46:22
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
September 1997; Vol: 111/9
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Sep 1997
Number of Pages:
Vol 111/9
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Index Quelle Marque Fumez-Vouz? Topical Collecting, Famous People, Curie, Marie, Pierre, France, Postal Markings Danziger, Erwin and Deitrich Schroeer
Index United States Stamps: Imperforate Coil Challenges, 1908-14 United States - Imperforate Issues, Coils Lawrence, Ken
Index Bosnia & Herzogovina Overprints of 1914. Possible Misidentification of Stamp 16 (B2 Overprint) Bosnia and Herzogovina, Surcharges and Overprints, 1914, Identification Kremzar, Max
Index The 1937 Marijuana Tax Stamp. Grass is Greener in Philately Tax Stamps, United States, Revenues, Marijuana Shulgin, Alexander
Index Tracking the Six-Pointed Star Hexagrams, Postal Markings Heifetz, Murray
Index The Cattish Post Childrens Philatelic Games, Play stamps Pross, Lester
Index Cashing in on Columbus Columbus, Christopher, United States, Illinois, Chicago, Columbian Exhibition Stral, Harold and Kenneth C. Wukasch
Index The 1937 Marijuana Tax Stamp, Grass is Greener in Philately pp. 834-837 United States, Revenues, Marijuana Tax Stamp Shulgin, Alexander
Index Guest Editor's Letter: A First Day to Remember First Days Correl, Frank
Index Letter to the Editor: Cheers to the Winner American Philatelic Society, Elections Lawrence, Ken
Index Letter to the Editor: In a Bind United States, Designs Andreatch, Peter
Index Letter to the Editor: A Funny Thing Happened on My Way to PACIFIC 97 United States, Automobile license plates Westerling, Victor
Index Letter to the Editor: Honor the Akron Air Mail, Dirigible and Zeppelin Mail, United States Pellerin, Robert
Index Philatelic Favorite: Touched by Thurber Thurber, James Townsend, Ronnell