Item View

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Date Loaded:
12 Aug 2019 09:46:22
Item Information
Record Type:
Journal / Periodical
Source Record Type:
Series Title:
Item Title:
January 1998; Vol: 112
Copyright End Year:
Item Sub Title:
Copyright End Rule Code:
Item Alternate Title:
Copyright End Rule Text:
Copyright Deceased Year:
Who Name:
Class Mark:
Publication Place:
Physical Description:
Page Nos List:
Jan 1998
Number of Pages:
Vol 112
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
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Associated Documents
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No data to display
Key Words 
Index Country Definitives  
Index Life & Earth Special stamps 2000  
Index Label booklets: National Botanic Gardens Wales Stamp booklets  
Index Commemorative Covers Supplement   
Index Water & Coast Special stamps 2000  
Index Water & Coast Special stamps 2000  
Index Stamp Show 2000 Exhibitions  
Index Stampex Exhibitions  
Index House of Questa Printers Douglas Myall
Index Fire & Light Special stamps 2000  
Index Ships 2000 Exhibitions  
Index Stamp Show 2000 Exhibitions  
Index Stamp Show 2000 George V  
Index Stamp Show 2000 Queen's Collection  
Index Personalised stamps Special stamps 2000  
Index Association of Friends National Postal Museum  
Index Withdrawals Definitives  
Index Collectors Club Societies and Associations  
Index Label booklets: Postman Pat Stamp booklets  
Index Prestige stamp booklet 2000 Stamp Show Stamp booklets  
Index Youth philately Stamp collecting  
Index Stamp Show 2000 Exhibitions  
Index Shades 1912 George V  
Index George V shades 1912 Post Office Heritage  
Index House of Questa Printers  
Index Printers Stamp booklets Douglas Myall
Index Covers Covers James Mackay
Index Welsh Highland Railway Railways Johnson
Index Water & Coast Special stamps 2000  
Index Life & Earth Special stamps 2000  
Index Youth philately Stamp collecting  
Index Covers Covers L.N. Williams
Index Book reviews Book reviews  
Index Book reviews Book reviews  
Index Book reviews Book reviews  
Index Foreign boxes Post boxes  
Index Greetings booklet labels Stamp booklets  
Index Millennium Definitives  
Index Mary Gillick Designers and engravers  
Index Stamp Advisory Committee Post Office  
Index Postbag Postbag  
Index Queen's Head Special stamps  
Index Events Events  
Index Spink Auction houses  
Index Book reviews Book reviews  
Index Hunphilex 2000 Exhibitions  
Index Association of Friends National Postal Museum  
Index Dr Douglas Latto Obituary  
Index Prof Jeremy Black Personalities  
Index White Dove Press Printers  
Index Stanley Gibbons Publications  
Index Insurance & Banking Societies and Associations