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Date Loaded:
12 Aug 2019 09:46:22
Item Information
Record Type:
Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
January 1999; Vol: 113/5
Copyright End Year:
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Copyright Deceased Year:
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Physical Description:
Page Nos List:
Jan 1999
Number of Pages:
Vol 113/5
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
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Key Words 
Index Poster Stamp Collectors Club, email Digital Index  
Index Anyon, Alan D., medal Biographical Index  
Index Auctions, 1905 group of 8 stamps, price [2007] Counani Independent Guyana 
Index Auctions: 1886 classic Hawaii locals bogus issue, price [2007] Hawaii Hawaii 
Index Auctions, 1918 Lagerpost Bando stamps, price [2006] Japan  
Index Auctions, 1906 set of 3, price [2007] Lady Minto´s Fête [India] 
Index Auctions, 1939 reprint of 50c value, price [2007] Schülke & Mayr´s Afrikanische-Seen-Post  
Index Auctions, Sheet signet by designer, price [2006] Tristan da Cunha  
Index Nutmeg Stamp Sales, USA [2002] Subject Index Auctions 
Index Stanly Gibbons (London), [2007] Subject Index Auctions 
Index Skanfil, Norway, [2007] Subject Index Auctions 
Index Label, Colombian Local Red Cross Stamps Bucaramanga, Cartagena, Medellin, Pereira and Norte de Santander Colombia Anyon
Index Private Mail Carriers of Colombia (Colombia) Author Index Bortfeld,D & C. Valenzuela & A. Frohlich
Index Dead country Audhali Aden 
Index South East Asia Revenues Author Index Barefoot, J.
Index Catalogue of Steep Holm Author Index Keegan, N.
Index US & Canadian Locals Volume II, CD Digital Index  
Index Historie du Service Postal au Congo Belge 1886-1960 Author Index Gallant,R. & G.Huyghebaert
Index Catalogue Vienna & Philadelphia Printings and Sub Areas of the Republic of Indonesia Author Index Nippon, D.
Index The Revenue Stamps of Norway and Related Non-Fiscal Issues Author Index Riddel, A.
Index The Revenue Stamps of Norway and Related Non-Fiscal Issues, CD Digital Index  
Index New issues chronicle Brecqhou Channel Islands 
Index Locals, 2006 Sápmi Label overprint SAMIRADDI 1956-2006 Finland  
Index Charity issues, Southwold Christmas Post Great Britain R. Lacy-Spencer
Index New issues chronicle Pabay Scotland 
Index New issues chronicle Rattlesnake Island Ohio, USA 
Index Brecqhou Channel Islands, Home Page Digital Index  
Index Sydling, Britta Subject Index Artists 
Index Brecqou, Channel Islands Subject Index Websites 
Index New issues chronicle Rona Scotland 
Index Upper Badahshan, Chamal Darfour, Djanoud Darfour are may Artistamps Subject Index Unidentified items