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12 Aug 2019 09:46:22
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Journal / Periodical
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November 2006; Vol: 120/11 Iss: 1270
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Nov 2006
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Vol 120/11 Iss: 1270
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Index Holy Grail of Modern U.S. Postal History Turns 40 pp. 1002-1005 United States: Scott 1030a , Luminescence, Luminescent and Tagged Issues, Coils, Earliest Documented Usage EDU [Includes census of known Look coil items and Uncanceled Return Covers.]Youngblood, Wayne
Index I Voted! pp. 1028-1029 United States: Postal History, Patriotic, Election, Cinderella Material Royall, Willis C. Jr.
Index In My Opinion: "Step One" Project pp. 989-990 Collecting, Beginning, Promotions, Oregon Journal Dodson, James N.
Index More Blanks & Forms pp. 1012-1019 United States: USPS, United States Postal Service, FORMS, Registered Mail, Return Receipts, Envelopes Straight, David
Index Nancy Clark Receives 2006 Kehr Award p. 1042-1044 Ernest A. Kehr "Future of Philately" Award: Nancy Clark  
Index Philately with No Stamps? pp. 1008-1010 Collecting: V-mail, Postal History, Stampless, Memorabilia, Auxillary Markings, Post Office Forms Prill, Ada
Index Road to Shangri La -- Philatelically Speaking pp. 1034-1037 American Philatelic Society: American Philatelic Center, Bellefonte, Pennsylvania Kent, Wes
Index Tropical Stain Problems? Use Deacid Spray Preservation and Conservation, Deacidification Souder, William E. and Gabriel Lim Boon Siong
Index Wreck of a Railway Postcard pp. 1030-1031 United States: Railway Mail, Post Cards, Nashville Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway Fricke, Charles
Index Fokker Airplane That Flew Around the World pp. 1020-1027 Topical Collecting: Aircraft, Pilots, Air Mail, Polar Mail, First Days, Wilkins-Eielson expedition, Kingsford Smith, Van Rysdam, John W.