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12 Aug 2019 09:46:22
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Journal / Periodical
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August 2007; Vol: 121/8 Iss: 1279
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Aug 2007
Number of Pages:
Vol 121/8 Iss: 1279
Item Alt No:
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Key Words 
Index Olympic Mania 2002 Topical Collecting, Olympics, Sports, Commemoratives, First Days Honeywell, Jerry
Index Picture Postcard Collecting Craze Post Cards, Collecting, Postal Rates, Around the Circle, Round the World, Chain Letter, Autograph Remailing, Multiple Address, Round Trip, Exchange Clubs Fricke, Charles A.
Index Postal History Symposium American Philatelic Society; National Postal Museum; Postal History Symposium; Henkin, David M.; Scheer, Frank R.; van der Linden, F. Robert  
Index Presidents & Cars Topical Collecting, Automobiles, United States Presidents Doolittle, J. William
Index Putting Quick I.D. to Work for You American Philatelic Society, Services, Quick ID, Identification Bristow, Mercer
Index Recognizing Our 25-Year Affiliates American Philatelic Society, Affiliates McDevitt, Jim
Index Rediscovering the Confederate Treasury: Mountain Island, North Carolina History United States, North Carolina, Mountain Island, Postal History, Postal Markings Crumbley, Tony
Index Schumann, Fricks, & Brody 2007 Luff Honorees American Philatelic Society, Awards and Honors, John N. Luff Award, Schumann, Stephen D.; Fricks, E. Eugene; Brody, Roger S.  
Index Summer Seminar Sizzles American Philatelic Society, Education Boal, Barb
Index Thank You & a Fond Farewell American Philatelic Society Klug, Janet
Index A Summer Roundup United States, Ballot Envelopes, Special Delivery, Czechoslovakia, Newspaper Issues, Revenues Straight, David
Index Illustrated Covers Can Become Instant Classics United States, Covers, Advertising, Plate Number Coils Youngblood, Wayne
Index The AP Celebrates 120 Years! American Philatelic Society [First issue of AP September 13, 1886.] 
Index McCann Elected To Sign the Roll of Distinguished Philatelists Philatelist; McCann, Peter  
Index Thank You, Janet! Welcome, Nick! American Philatelic Society, Elections Mastrangelo, Peter