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Date Loaded:
12 Aug 2019 14:11:11
Item Information
Record Type:
Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
15 March 1982; Vol: 8/2 Iss: 15
Copyright End Year:
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Copyright Deceased Year:
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Page Nos List:
15 Mar 1982
Number of Pages:
Vol 8/2 Iss: 15
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
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Key Words 
Index Railway stamps, 1880s Gärds Härads Järnväg stamp identified Sweden  
Index 1871 Shopper, The, USA Periodicals Index  
Index Topless philately Subject Index Thematics 
Index Locals, 1895 British Inland Mail issues Madagascar  
Index Background to bogus issues Isö Sweden 
Index Revenues, 1786 perfume duty labels Great Britain  
Index G.B. Revenue Compendium Author Index Barefoot, J.
Index Revenue Stamps of Taiwan Area ROC Author Index Wu Sheau Horng
Index American Revenuer, The, USA Periodicals Index  
Index Unissued stamps, 1945 Local Post Göteborg Sweden 
Index New issues chronicle Wardak Province Afghanistan 
Index Africana, USA Periodicals Index  
Index Bournemouth Stamp Auctions [1.7.81, 30.9.81] Subject Index Auctions 
Index The Postage Stamps of the Smaller Channel Islands Author Index Backman, A., & R.Forrester
Index S.M.O.M. Stamp and Coin Catalogue Author Index Said, E.
Index Private Post, The, UK Periodicals Index  
Index Strike stamps, 1965 and 1968 issues renamed Overseas Courier Service q.v. Juan de Fuca Despatch Canada 
Index Locals, 1971-81 issues, quantities Kaulbach Island Canada 
Index New issues chronicle Overseas Courier Service Canada 
Index New issues chronicle Park Avenue Local Post New York, USA 
Index New issues chronicle Rattlesnake Island Ohio, USA 
Index New issues chronicle Drake’s Island England 
Index New issues chronicle Fireside Local Post Ohio, USA 
Index Background information on island and local post Gairsay Scotland 
Index New issues chronicle Gairsay Scotland 
Index Background information on island and local post Grunay Scotland 
Index New issues chronicle Grunay Scotland 
Index New issues chronicle Bardsey Wales 
Index Strike posts, 1980 railway letters Montreal-New York Canada  
Index Publicity labels, list available Isle of Thanet England 
Index Locals, 1982 definitives and postal rates Lundy England 
Index Ship parcels Sark Channel Islands 
Index New issues chronicle Steep Holm England 
Index Down South, Norway Periodicals Index  
Index Warning on status of thematic commemoratives North Korea  
Index Lesotho Non-Cinderella New Issue Chronicle  
Index North Korea Non-Cinderella New Issue Chronicle  
Index Taiwan Non-Cinderella New Issue Chronicle  
Index Background to bogus issues Isö Sweden