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Source Ref:
19960000_N43-Summer 1996
Date Loaded:
12 Aug 2019 14:11:11
Item Information
Record Type:
Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
1996; Vol: 21/2 Iss: 43/Summer 1996
Copyright End Year:
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Vol 21/2 Iss: 43/Summer 1996
Item Alt No:
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Key Words 
Index Locals, 1895 Star and Crescent issues on cover Brunei  
Index Revenues, 1964-65 PUS BEA [special service charge] typeset labels Indonesia  
Index International Revenuer, The, Portugal Periodicals Index  
Index Parcel Stamps Study Group Newsletter, Norway Periodicals Index  
Index Stempelmerket, Norway Periodicals Index  
Index Riga, Bonnie and Roger, USA Subject Index Dealers 
Index Local Posts cataloguing project Subject Index Literature 
Index 1871 Shop, The: South Lyon, USA Subject Index Literature price-lists 
Index Jackson, Eric: Leesport, USA Subject Index Literature price-lists 
Index Locals, 1895 Star and Crescent issues on cover Brunei  
Index Locals, 1897 Fattorini and Vitta local posts Milan Italy 
Index Locals, 1996 Vaccarezza local post Milan Italy 
Index Romanian Revenue Stamps Catalogue Author Index Erós, L.
Index Mærkatpropaganda i Danmark Author Index Gyrsting, N., & P.Poulsen
Index Revenues, local tax stamps, towns and cities listed Sweden  
Index Din Lupta Exilului Românesc din Spania Împotriva Communismului Author Index Popescu, T., & F.Strejnicu
Index Swedish revenues and tax stamps cataloguing project Subject Index Literature 
Index Revenues, 1964-65 PUS BEA [special service charge] typeset labels Indonesia  
Index Bogus & Phantom, discrepancies in history of Marie David de Mayrena Sedang (classic) Vietnam 
Index Bogus & Phantom, so-called “local printing” of stamps Sedang (classic) Vietnam 
Index Publicity labels, 1975 Village Church restoration stamps Chesuncook Lake Tourists’ Despatch Maine, USA 
Index Souvenir issues, 1995 UK visit of ex-King and Queen of Romania Canada  
Index Background geographical information Hildasay Scotland 
Index New issues chronicle Moon Island Norway 
Index New issues chronicle Pabay Scotland 
Index Feigenbaum, Clive: England Subject Index Agencies 
Index New issues chronicle ACCR [Norway] 
Index New issues chronicle Alderney Parcel Delivery Service Channel Islands 
Index Charity issues, Bilston Christmas charity post Great Britain  
Index Hotel posts, 1995 centenary commemorative labels Hohe Rinne Hungary 
Index Bogus & Phantom, 1995 anti-nuclear tests miniature sheet Monte Bello Islands [Australia] 
Index New issues chronicle Port Maria [Norway] 
Index WOPHAD (World Philatelic Advisers and Agents): [Stavanger, Norway] Subject Index Agencies 
Index Railway letters, Nene Valley Railway Great Britain