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19980000_N47-Summer 1998
Date Loaded:
12 Aug 2019 14:11:11
Item Information
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
1998; Vol: 23/2 Iss: 47/Summer 1998
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Vol 23/2 Iss: 47/Summer 1998
Item Alt No:
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Key Words 
Index Hotel posts, centenary commemoration, 1995 Romania postage stamp Hohe Rinne Hungary 
Index Locals, catalogue projected [1998] Rattlesnake Island Ohio, USA 
Index Les Vignettes de la Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Montréal Author Index Morin, J.-C.
Index Local Post Collectors Society, USA Society Index  
Index Poster Stamp Society Bulletin, The, USA Periodicals Index  
Index Poster, The, USA Periodicals Index  
Index Rekkas, Le, France, France Periodicals Index  
Index New issues chronicle Bardsey Wales 
Index New issues chronicle Bernera Scotland 
Index New issues chronicle Davaar Scotland 
Index New issues chronicle Easdale Scotland 
Index Hotel posts, centenary commemoration, 1995 Romania postage stamp Hohe Rinne Hungary 
Index New issues chronicle Steep Holm England 
Index Hotel posts, 1895 locals second issue, study of types Hohe Rinne HungaryM. Dragoteanu
Index 1998 Facit Sverige [catalogue section] Author Index Facit
Index Svenska Charta Sigillata Author Index Joos, G.
Index Under the Gum: Background to British Stamps 1840-1940 Author Index Mackay, J.A.
Index Les Postes Locales et Privées du Maroc Author Index Haik, J.
Index Errors in Medical Philately Author Index Schwartz, A.W.
Index Stamps of the Summer Isles Author Index Summer Isles Philatelic Bureau
Index Charity issues, Temple Ewell Christmas charity post Great Britain  
Index New issues chronicle Lundy England 
Index New issues chronicle, Vaccarezza Milan Italy 
Index New issues chronicle Moon Island Norway 
Index New issues chronicle Pabay Scotland 
Index New issues chronicle Summer Isles Scotland 
Index Lundy Collectors’ Club, United Kingdom Society Index  
Index New issues chronicle Bokhara (modern) [New Zealand] 
Index New issues chronicle Fantippo [New Zealand] 
Index New issues chronicle Occussi-Ambeno Sultanate [New Zealand] 
Index New issues chronicle Sedang (modern) [New Zealand] 
Index Essays, 1945 local stamp Stockholms Lokala Brev Sweden 
Index Bogus & Phantom, Cathair Post 1921 phantom, supposedly Irish United States of America  
Index Occussi-Ambeno Overseas Philatelic Bureau, Auckland, New Zealand Subject Index Agencies 
Index Coins, 1997 Quebec pro-independence issue Canada S. Huard