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20000000_N52-Winter 2000-2001
Date Loaded:
12 Aug 2019 14:11:11
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Journal / Periodical
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2000; Vol: 26/1 Iss: 52/Winter 2000-2001
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Vol 26/1 Iss: 52/Winter 2000-2001
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Key Words 
Index 1861 Madison postmaster provisionals Confederate States of America  
Index 1861 Madison postmaster provisionals Confederate States of America  
Index Cinderella Stamp Club, United Kingdom Society Index  
Index Filatelista, El, Ecuador Periodicals Index  
Index Parcel Stamps Study Group Newsletter, Norway Periodicals Index  
Index Brunström, Christer, Cinderella honour Biographical Index  
Index 2000: Stamp Show 2000, London, England Subject Index Exhibition reports 
Index Propaganda stamps, Merdeka Aceh courier envelopes reported Indonesia  
Index Bogus & Phantom, revival of issues, Lithuanian printed Ras al Khaima United Arab Emirates 
Index Exile issues, 1974 UPU centenary set Tibet  
Index American Philatelic Research Library, USA Society Index  
Index Scandinavian Philatelic Library of Southern California, USA Society Index  
Index Luren, USA Periodicals Index  
Index Philatelic Literature Review, USA Periodicals Index  
Index Postcard Album, The, Germany Periodicals Index  
Index Auctions, 1914 bogus ship and crown stamp, price [2000] Albania  
Index Auctions, set of triangular phantoms, price [2000] Arabia  
Index Auctions, 1914 unissued President Madero set, price [2000] Mexico  
Index Auctions, 1886 phantoms set, price [2000] Moresnet  
Index Auctions, 1907 phantom locals, price [2000] Morocco  
Index Auctions, 1872 1d. local, price [2000] Murray River Steam Navigation Co. Australia 
Index Auctions, 1883 locals, price [2000] Panama Canal Co. Panama 
Index Auctions, S. Allen Taylor bogus locals, price range [2000] United States of America  
Index Auctions, 1891 State of Zulia locals, price [2000] Zulia Venezuela 
Index 1871 Shop, The [19.2.00] Subject Index Auctions 
Index Auctions, 1887 F. H. Bakker locals, price [2000] Bakker Express South Africa 
Index Auctions, 1869 bogus set, prices [2000] Clara Rothe Steamship Co. Danish West Indies 
Index Auctions, 1896 locals set, price [2000] Coolgardie Cycle Express Australia 
Index Auctions, 1922 woman and landscape phantoms, price [2000] Georgia  
Index Auctions, 1880s President Légitime “essays”, price [2000] Haiti  
Index Auctions, 1919 courier post set, price [2000] Hungarian-American Messenger Service Hungary 
Index Auctions, 1925 hotel post, prices [2000] Kesselfall Alpenhaus Austria 
Index Auctions, 1865 locals set, prices [2000] Liannos Local Post Turkey 
Index Auctions, 1890s German postal agent in Witu locals, price [2000] Malakote East Africa 
Index Auctions, 25c. McGreely’s Express, price [2000] McGreely’s Express Alaska 
Index Locals, 1920 Revolutionary Republic (Gilan Soviet Republic) issue Iran Persia 
Index Locals, c.1920 Resht Republic issue Iran Persia 
Index Poland Revenues Author Index Barefoot, J.
Index Unusual Mail in Occupied France 1870-1871 Author Index Cohn, E.M.
Index Azad Hind and Chalo Delhi Author Index Freeston, A.
Index Military mail, 1918-20 Czech Legion in Siberia Czechoslovakia  
Index Meched Stamps According to Karman Author Index Karman, G.
Index Locals, 1883-86 issue exhibited on cover Kotah India 
Index Carriers, 1893 Paris stamps and background Poneys Poste France 
Index Bogus & Phantom, 1915? sailing ship bogus issue, tête-bêches Sarawak  
Index Locals, 1906 issue exhibited on cover Tonk India 
Index 2000: Stamp Show 2000, London, England Subject Index Exhibition reports 
Index Revenues, contemporary tax stamps on money exchange [2000] Indonesia  
Index Bogus & Phantom, phantoms for Expanded Egyptian Territories Adanaland [England] 
Index Locals, authorised Postal Operators listed New Zealand  
Index Poster stamps, Österlen churches by J-E. Wellerfors Skåne Sweden 
Index New issues chronicle Summer Isles Scotland 
Index New Zealand Government list of authorised local posts Subject Index Websites 
Index Locals, local posts authorised from 1989 Argentina  
Index New issues chronicle Lord Howe Island Australia 
Index New issues chronicle Pabay Scotland