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12 Aug 2019 14:25:04
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Journal / Periodical
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2004; Vol: 17/1 Iss: 61
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Vol 17/1 Iss: 61
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Key Words 
Index NAPE Representatives Information 
Index South Australia Revenues 1886-1965 \ Judging South Australia Article; Literature; Postal History; TraditionalElsmore, Dave
Index Revenues 1886-1965 \ Judging South \ Australia South Australia Article;Elsmore, Dave
Index Australia \ Revenues 1886-1965 \ Judging South South Australia Article; RevenueElsmore, Dave
Index \ Survey Results of \ Postal History Items from Hungary's 1945-46 Hyperinflation Hungary Article; Youth Philately; Thematic PhilatelyMorgan, Robert B
Index History \ Items from Hungary's 1945-46 Hyperinflation \ Survey Results of Postal Hungary Advertisement;Morgan, Robert B
Index History Items from Hungary's 1945-46 Hyperinflation \ Survey \ Results of Postal Hungary Article; AerophilatelyMorgan, Robert B
Index Hungary's 1945-46 Hyperinflation \ Survey Results of Postal History Items from Hungary Article; LiteratureMorgan, Robert B
Index Results of Postal History Items from Hungary's 1945-46 Hyperinflation \ Survey Hungary Article;Morgan, Robert B
Index Results of Postal History \ Items from Hungary's 1945-46 Hyperinflation \ Survey Hungary Article; Postal HistoryMorgan, Robert B
Index Results of Postal History Items from Hungary's 1945-46 Hyperinflation \ Survey Hungary Article;Morgan, Robert B
Index Starting \ Beginners with One-Frame Exhibits \ Advertisement;Adams, Fran
Index An illustrated Seminar on the Guidelines for Judging Astrophilatelic Exhibits Article; RevenueGrandela, Jose M
Index Guidelines for Judging Astrophilatelic Exhibits \ An illustrated Seminar on the Article;Grandela, Jose M
Index Seminar on the Guidelines for Judging \ Astrophilatelic Exhibits \ An illustrated Article;Grandela, Jose M
Index Exhibits \ An illustrated \ Seminar on the Guidelines for Judging Astrophilatelic Article;Grandela, Jose M
Index Judging Astrophilatelic Exhibits \ An illustrated Seminar on the Guidelines for Article; TraditionalGrandela, Jose M
Index Guidelines for Judging \ Astrophilatelic Exhibits \ An illustrated Seminar on the Exhibition Report;Grandela, Jose M
Index \ An illustrated Seminar on the Guidelines for Judging \ Astrophilatelic Exhibits Article; Social Philately; Postal HistoryGrandela, Jose M
Index illustrated Seminar on the Guidelines for \ Judging Astrophilatelic Exhibits \ An Article;Grandela, Jose M
Index Oxford University \ Colleges \ The Issues of the Great Britain Article; AerophilatelyWalker, Martin
Index Let's \ Move the Goalposts!!! \ ArticleSadler, John
Index Goalposts!!! \ Let's Move the ArticleSadler, John
Index Baypex 2004 Stamp Show Advertisement 
Index A Review Australian Commonwealth; Australian States Article; Thematic PhilatelyKarman, Hans; Smith, Dingle
Index Corner \ Postcard Article; Court Of HonourPocock, Derek A
Index Philatelic Industry - \ the Way Ahead \ Challenges Facing the Featured Pages;Leavey, Thomas E
Index Challenges Facing the Philatelic Industry - the Way \ Ahead \ Article;Leavey, Thomas E
Index Philatelic \ Industry - the Way Ahead \ Challenges Facing the Article; Postal Stationery; Thematic PhilatelyLeavey, Thomas E
Index Philatelic Industry - the Way Ahead \ Challenges Facing the Article;Leavey, Thomas E
Index the Way Ahead \ Challenges Facing the \ Philatelic Industry - Article; AstrophilatelyLeavey, Thomas E
Index Ahead \ Challenges Facing the Philatelic Industry - the Way Article; TraditionalLeavey, Thomas E
Index Judges \ Ten \ Commandments for Philatelic ArticleHotchner, John M; Ray, Samuel
Index \ Ten Commandments for \ Philatelic Judges ArticleRay, Samuel; Hotchner, John M
Index Ten Commandments for Philatelic \ Judges \ ArticleRay, Samuel; Hotchner, John M
Index Australia \ British Borneo Comes to Sarawak; Borneo Article; TraditionalWells, William G
Index Collect New South Wales Revenues \ Why I New South Wales Article;Smith, Dingle
Index Collect New South Wales \ Revenues \ Why I New South Wales Article;Smith, Dingle
Index Customs Requirements when Exhibiting outside of \ Australia \ ArticleA P F
Index outside of Australia \ Customs Requirements when Exhibiting ArticleA P F
Index \ Customs \ Requirements when Exhibiting outside of Australia ArticleA P F
Index Postal Stationery \ Judging Article; AstrophilatelyTodd, Raymond
Index APF News NewsLee, Linda; Doherty, Bernard; Duberal, Ross; A P F; Hill, Robert