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12 Aug 2019 14:25:04
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Journal / Periodical
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2006; Vol: 19/1 Iss: 70
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Vol 19/1 Iss: 70
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Index CCSG items Editorial   
Index CCSG items Library Notes  G.Mark
Index CCSG items Membership & subscriptions  G.Mark
Index Trinidad Examiner 43 WW2 The Americas British Empire Trinidad & Tobago (E, IE) Code 3C10-17J.Wilson
Index Trinidad & Tobago Label with Diagonal Lines WW2 The Americas British Empire Trinidad & Tobago (E, IE) Code 3C10-17P.Burrows
Index St Lucia OBC Label WW2 The Americas British Empire St Lucia (TT, ITT) Code 3C10-15P.Burrows
Index Grenada Update WW2 The Americas British Empire Grenada (SS, ISS) Code 3C10-8P.Burrows
Index Censorship to the Rescue WW2 The Americas British Empire St Kitts & Nevis (BB) Code 3C10-14Peter Burrows & Dann Mayo
Index World War II Confiscated Mail in the UK – through a Faroese mail lens WW2 Europe Great Britain Civil mail Code 3A8-1P.Sondheim
Index Member request – Do you have information on WW2 Impounded Mails? WW2 Europe Great Britain Civil mail Code 3A8-1P.Sondheim
Index Misdirected, Confiscated and Captured Censored Mail and the Arab-Israeli conflict Post WW2 Africa Egypt Civil mail Code 4B1-1L.Nelson
Index Misdirected, Confiscated and Captured Censored Mail and the Arab-Israeli conflict Post WW2 Asia Israel Civil mail Code 4D6-1L.Nelson
Index First Days of Censorship in two World Wars WW1 Europe Great Britain Civil mail Code 1A7-1G.Mark
Index First Days of Censorship in two World Wars WW2 Europe Great Britain Civil mail Code 3A8-1G.Mark
Index World War II Canadian FECB Authorized Cachets on New York Life Insurance Covers WW2 The Americas British Empire Canada (DB) Code 3C10-18R.D.Sampson
Index GB WWII – What is Going On Here? WW2 Europe Great Britain Civil mail Code 3A8-1D.Mayo
Index German postal censorship of mail from a French forced labourer in Norway WW2 Europe Germany Censor-station ‘f’ Hamburg Code 3A3-6M.Parren
Index GB Test Censorship of US mail WW1 Europe Great Britain Civil mail Code 1A7-1G.Mark
Index eBay Nuggets - Indonesia 1947 Post WW2 Asia Netherlands E Indies Code 4D10D.Mayo
Index An unusual double censorship WW1 Europe Great Britain Civil mail Code 1A7-1G.Mark
Index An unusual double censorship WW1 Europe France Civil mail Code 1A5-1G.Mark
Index eBay Nuggets - Malaya WWII WW2 Asia British Empire Malaya Code 3D1-7D.Mayo
Index A scarce British censor mark WW2 Europe Great Britain Civil mail Code 3A8-1G.Jessen
Index Ebay Nuggets - Germany Post-WWII Post WW2 Europe Germany - Allied Occupation American Zone Civil mail Code 4A4-1-2D.Mayo
Index Ebay Nuggets - A Deceptively Unusual Occurrence WW2 Europe Great Britain Civil mail Code 3A8-1D.Mayo
Index Ebay Nuggets - A Deceptively Unusual Occurrence WW2 The Americas USA Civil mail Code 3C9-1D.Mayo