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12 Aug 2019 14:53:55
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Journal / Periodical
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March 1953; Iss: 4
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Mar 1953
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Iss: 4
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Index The French consular provisionals Palestine / 1948 Interim Fakes: French Consular Post, Shapira, Tiberias, Afula, Nahalal, Qiryat Motzkin, Tohuwabohuby E. Tolkowsky ; Tolkowsky, Edmond
Index Transliteration and translation of inscriptions Israel / Stamps by L. Gertner and H.H. Hirst ; Gertner, L.
Index Advance items from the Research Section ; [OPDA on letter] Palestine Mandate / Stamps Fiscals & Miscellenea 
Index Field post office and other war markings : 3. The British Expeditionary Force in Palestine during the Arab-Jewish riots of 1936 Palestine Mandate / Army & Field Post / WWII British FPOs 1936--1939by Dr. E. Rachwalsky ; Rachwalsky, E.
Index I. Heymann & M. Pertzelan: Postage Stamps Of Israel : Handbook & Catalogue Israel / Stamps H.H.H. ; Hirst, Herman H.
Index Problems of the Turkish forerunners Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna by A. Jacobs ; Jacobs, Albert
Index The pleasure is yours Palestine Mandate / Stamps by H.J. Posner ; Posner, H.J.
Index PIPEX : 20th to 26th April 1953 Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna / Exhibitions Exhibitions 1952--196 
Index An open letter to all members ; [PIPEX exhibition committee] Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna / Exhibitions Exhibitions 1952--196from the Reverend Michael Wilkinson ; Wilkinson, Michael
Index Our library Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna / Society Sections Library SectionF. Ekstein ; Ekstein, Franz
Index Advance items from the Research Section ; [Petah Tiqva locals] Palestine / Ottoman Postal History  
Index TABA in retrospect Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna / Exhibitions Exhibitions 1952--196 
Index Postmarks and special cancellations Israel / Postal History & Postmarks Postmarks 
Index Terces Pot General Travel reports, non-philatelic literature, Religionby E. Tolkowsky ; Tolkowsky, Edmond
Index Flaws and varieties on recent issues Israel / Stamps as noted by S. Denfield ; Denfield, Sidney
Index Calling all new members : concerning back numbers of the BAPIP Bulletin Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna / BAPIP Bulletin BAPIP Bulletin: Backnumbers & Reprints 
Index Israeli designer wins U.N. stamp contest ; [W.W. Wind] Israel / Judaica Foreign Stamps 
Index IPPSA highly recommends BAPIP Palestine / Collectors Societies & Publications Israel-Palestine Philatelic Society of America (IPPSA) 
Index Israeli stamps exhibited in Australia Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna / Exhibitions Exhibitions 1952--196 
Index Alleged imperforate forgeries Israel / Stamps Forgeries 
Index [request for exchange] Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna / Personel David Dorfman ; Dorfman, David
Index Principle post office charges : postage Palestine Mandate / Postage Rates, Charges & Regulations Shure, S.N. ; Shure, S.N.