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12 Aug 2019 14:53:55
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Journal / Periodical
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April 1956; Iss: 16
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Apr 1956
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Iss: 16
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Index Postal vehicles in Eretz Israel : based on an article by Rachel Neiman on the website Palestine Thematics / Motifs Rachel Neiman ; [ed.: David Smith] ; Neiman, Rachel
Index Music and philately in Israel Israel / Judaica JudaicaLisette Rosenberg and Jean-Paul Danon ; translated from the French by David Smith ; Rosenberg, Lisette
Index Further pages from Edmond Hall's display of ``Sinai and Gaza'' on the theme of Sinai Military in World War 1 : Forces of the Central Powers Palestine / Ottoman & Allied Army & Field Post / WWI German Army & Field PostEdmond Hall ; Hall, Edmund
Index Further pages from Edmond Hall's display of ``Sinai and Gaza'' on the theme of Sinai Military in World War 1 : Egypt Military WWI ; Détachement Francais [sic!] de Palestine et de Syrie Palestine / British & Allied Army & Field Post / WWI Other Allied Army & Field PostEdmond Hall ; Hall, Edmund
Index [Studies on Palestine Blues : study 3] ; transfers B and G : the dotted lines along the 3rd row ; [Palestine Mandate Blues] Palestine Mandate / Stamps Provisional Issues 1918 (Blues) -- Printing Process, Transfer Varietiesby Paulo R. Risi ; Risi, Paulo R.
Index Martin Lynes ; [obituary] ; [Last post : Martin Lynes] Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna / Obituaries Obituaries 211--22Ze'ev Galibov ; Galibov, Zeev
Index New studies of the Blues ; [backstory] Palestine Mandate / Stamps Provisional Issues 1918 (Blues) -- Printing Process, Transfer VarietiesZe'ev Galibov ; Galibov, Zeev
Index Instructional labels of the Austrian forerunner post office in Jerusalem ; [request for information] Palestine / Ottoman Era / Foreign Post Offices Austrian Offices / Postal History and PostmarksDavid Smith ; Smith, David K.
Index S.H. Rosenberg & H. Wolman: A Catalogue of Israel's Triangular Military Unit Handstamps ; [book announcement] Israel / Army & Field Post Army & Field PostHarris Wolman ; Wolman, Harris
Index Further pages from Edmond Hall's display of ``Sinai and Gaza'' on the theme of Sinai Military in World War 1 : Sinai Miiltary WWI ; Unit Field Post Offices Palestine / British & Allied Army & Field Post / WWI British Army & Field PostEdmond Hall ; Hall, Edmund
Index Further pages from Edmond Hall's display of ``Sinai and Gaza'' on the theme of Sinai Military in World War 1 : Sinai Military WWI ; Stationery Post Offices Palestine / British & Allied Army & Field Post / WWI British Army & Field PostEdmond Hall ; Hall, Edmund
Index Further pages from Edmond Hall's display of ``Sinai and Gaza'' on the theme of Sinai Military in World War 1 : Egypt Military WWI ; Light Horse Brigade Palestine / British & Allied Army & Field Post / WWI British Army & Field PostEdmond Hall ; Hall, Edmund
Index Further pages from Edmond Hall's display of ``Sinai and Gaza'' on the theme of Sinai Military in World War 1 : Egypt WWI ; Imperial Camel Corps Brigade Palestine / British & Allied Army & Field Post / WWI British Army & Field PostEdmond Hall ; Hall, Edmund
Index Further pages from Edmond Hall's display of ``Sinai and Gaza'' on the theme of Sinai Military in World War 1 : Gaza WWI ; Military Travelling Post Offices Palestine / British & Allied Army & Field Post / WWI Travelling Post OfficesEdmond Hall ; Hall, Edmund
Index Further pages from Edmond Hall's display of ``Sinai and Gaza'' on the theme of Sinai Military in World War 1 : Egypt Military WWI ; Travelling Post offices Palestine / British & Allied Army & Field Post / WWI Travelling Post OfficesEdmond Hall ; Hall, Edmund
Index Further pages from Edmond Hall's display of ``Sinai and Gaza'' on the theme of Sinai Military in World War 1 : Egypt Military WWI ; TPO Sinai Palestine / British & Allied Army & Field Post / WWI Travelling Post OfficesEdmond Hall ; Hall, Edmund
Index Further pages from Edmond Hall's display of ``Sinai and Gaza'' on the theme of Sinai Military in World War 1 : Egypt Military WWI ; Distaccamente [sic!] Italiano di Palestina Palestine / British & Allied Army & Field Post / WWI Other Allied Army & Field PostEdmond Hall ; Hall, Edmund
Index Further pages from Edmond Hall's display of ``Sinai and Gaza'' on the theme of Sinai Military in World War 1 : Palestine WWI ; Army Post Office Cachet-E.E.F. ; [DIRECTOR ARMY POSTAL SERVICES / E E F] Palestine / British & Allied Army & Field Post / WWI British Army & Field PostEdmond Hall ; Hall, Edmund
Index Further pages from Edmond Hall's display of ``Sinai and Gaza'' on the theme of Sinai Military in World War 1 : Egypt Militay WWI ; British West Indies Palestine / British & Allied Army & Field Post / WWI British Army & Field PostEdmond Hall ; Hall, Edmund
Index Further pages from Edmond Hall's display of ``Sinai and Gaza'' on the theme of Sinai Military in World War 1 : Egypt Militay WWI ; French over the Sinai ; [AVIATION MARITIME / ESCADRILLE de Port Said] Palestine / British & Allied Army & Field Post / WWI Other Allied Army & Field PostEdmond Hall ; Hall, Edmund
Index Further pages from Edmond Hall's display of ``Sinai and Gaza'' on the theme of Sinai Military in World War 1 : Army Group `Jildirim' Palestine / Ottoman & Allied Army & Field Post / WWI German Army & Field PostEdmond Hall ; Hall, Edmund
Index Further pages from Edmond Hall's display of ``Sinai and Gaza'' on the theme of Sinai Military in World War 1 : Gaza WWI ; German Miliary Mission Palestine / Ottoman & Allied Army & Field Post / WWI German Army & Field PostEdmond Hall ; Hall, Edmund
Index Further pages from Edmond Hall's display of ``Sinai and Gaza'' on the theme of Sinai Military in World War 1 : Gaza WWI ; Turkish Provisional 1917 [5p overprint stamp] Palestine / Ottoman & Allied Army & Field Post / WWI Ottoman Army & Field PostEdmond Hall ; Hall, Edmund
Index Further pages from Edmond Hall's display of ``Sinai and Gaza'' on the theme of Sinai Military in World War 1 : Forces of the Central Powers Palestine / Ottoman & Allied Army & Field Post / WWI German Army & Field PostEdmond Hall ; Hall, Edmund