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Date Loaded:
12 Aug 2019 14:53:55
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
September 1967; Iss: 56
Copyright End Year:
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Page Nos List:
Sep 1967
Number of Pages:
Iss: 56
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
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Key Words 
Index Publications Bibliography 1990-2011Colin W Spong
Index Czech stamp Websites Lubor Kunc
Index Liberation of Olomouc Provisional and Revolutionary Overprints, 1945 Olomouc; Czechoslovak Philatelic Society of Great Britain: Monographs: 14; Reviews: Provisional and Revolutionary OverprintsRobert J Hill; Derek Baron
Index Czechoslovak legion in Poland and in Russia 1939-41, and, Czechoslovaks in the Middle East 1940-43 Field Post Poland; Field Post: Russia; Poland; Russia; Field Post: Middle East; Reviews: Field Post; Czechoslovak Philatelic Society of Great Britain: Monographs: 16Vratislav Palkoska; Otto Hornung; Ian McQueen
Index Sindelfingen 2004 Exhibitions. Germany Ian Nutley
Index Royal mail archive Archives Richard Beith
Index Postal documents relating expulsion and resettling from the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic II in 1945/48 Resettlement; Ethnic Populations; Postal History Dr Walter J Rauch; Douglas D Baxter
Index Swedish postal museum Postal Museums SwedenRobert J Hill
Index Stamp museum in Budapest Postal Museums BudapestLubor Kunc
Index France May 1940 - carte lettre Field Post FranceVladimir J Králiček
Index Perforated champions: Czech stamps are amongst the best in the world Most Beautiful Stamp Jan Plachetka; Robert Kingsley
Index Cover of interest: Horni Velkruby Horní Velkruby; Cancelling Devices Robert J Hill
Index Revolutionary overprints Provisional and Revolutionary Overprints, 1945; Questions and Answers 2004J Barry Horne
Index New issues [Czech] Compulsory School Attendance Issue; Secondary Schools Compulsory School Attendance Issue; Perambulators; Christmas Issues [Czech]: 2004; Paintings Issues [Czech]: 2004; Artists: Hynais, Vojtěch. 1854-1925: The Spring, 1881; Artists: Schwaiger, Hanuš. 1854-1912: The Long, the Broad, and the Sharpsight; Artists: Bubák, Alois. 1824-1870: On the Outskirts of Český RájLindy Bosworth
Index New issues postal stationery [Czech] Postal Stationery Lindy Bosworth
Index New issues [Slovak] Biennial of Children's Book Illustration Issues 2003; Raftsmen on the Dunajec River Issue; Automobiles: Tatra Omnibus; Technical Monuments Issues [Slovak]: Mining Water System; Mining and Miners: Mining Water System; Joint Issues [Slovak]: Poland: Raftsmen on the Dunajec River Issue; Dunajec River: Raftsmen on the Dunajec River Issue; Paintings Issues [Slovak]: 2004; Artists: Bohdan, Jakub. 1660-1724: Cock Fight; Artists: Jakoby, Július. 1903-1985: Don Quixote; Roman Legions in TrenčinLindy Bosworth
Index New issues postal stationery [Slovak] Postal Stationery Lindy Bosworth