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12 Aug 2019 14:53:55
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Journal / Periodical
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March 1968; Iss: 58
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Mar 1968
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Iss: 58
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Index Israel's Six-Day War : some further philatelic aspects Palestine / Israeli Occupation 1967 War & Occupationsby Zvi Berest ; Berest, Zvi
Index Christmas greeting cover from Bethlehem ; [Retour, Art. 28 §1d UPU] Palestine / Occupations International Postal Relations 
Index Two unusual postmarks ; [Safad] Palestine / Ottoman Postal History Postal History & Postmarks of Other Placesby E.C. Sterne ; Sterne, Ernest C.
Index Nablus Turkish postmark that appears to be Pollack type 6 with difference Palestine / Ottoman Postal History Postal History & Postmarks of Other Placescontributed by E.H. Pearl ; Pearl, Emanuel H.
Index Two unusual postmarks ; [Chefr Omar] Palestine / Ottoman Postal History Postal History & Postmarks of Other Placesby E.C. Sterne ; Sterne, Ernest C.
Index Translation and transliteration of Hebrew inscriptions on Israel postal issues Israel / Stamps by A.S. Baum ; Baum, Arno S.
Index Specimen stamps of Palestine ; [Nahum H. Lewis and Fabius Schmerler book] Palestine Mandate / Stamps SpecimenH.H. Hirst ; Hirst, Herman H.
Index Unrecorded Jerusalem postmark ; [MEA SHEARIM / JESLM] Palestine Mandate / Postal History & Postmarks / Jerusalem Postmarks 
Index Desert air service Palestine--Iraq 1932 Palestine Mandate / Postal History & Postmarks / Transport Airmail Routesby A. Goldschmidt ; Goldschmidt, Alfred
Index Unknown imperforate of Israel 1949 Israel / Stamps Special Stamp Issues 
Index London Section reports Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna / Society Sections Section Meetings & Programmesby B.A. Remington ; Remington, Ben A.
Index 15th Annual General Meeting report Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna AGM minutes & noticesby Maxwell Seshold ; Seshold, Maxwell
Index U.S.S. Raleigh : Haifa Palestine postmark Palestine Mandate / Postal History & Postmarks / Transport Ship Mail and Paquebotby A.G. Leguen de Lacroix ; Leguen de Lacroix, A.G.
Index The Nazareth mark on stamps of Austria Palestine / Ottoman Era / Foreign Post Offices Austrian Offices / Postal History and Postmarks 
Index Additional philatelic aspects of Israel's Six-Day War Palestine / Israeli Occupation 1967 War & Occupationsby P. Kanner ; Kanner, Philipp
Index From the guardian of Mount Zion convent 1780 Palestine / Ottoman and other Prephilately Pre-philatelic Research, Routes & RatesH.H.H. ; Hirst, Herman H.
Index Spurios interim material of Haifa Palestine / 1948 Interim Fakes: French Consular Post, Shapira, Tiberias, Afula, Nahalal, Qiryat Motzkin, Tohuwabohuby Ernst Fluri ; Fluri, Ernst
Index The Do'ar Ivri minister sheets ; [1] Israel / Stamps Doar Ivri Stampsby Dr. H.H. Hirst ; Hirst, Herman H.
Index The Great Bitter Lakes Association Palestine / Israeli Occupation 1967 War & Occupationsby B.A. Remington ; Remington, Ben A.
Index Last weeks of Turkish rule in Jerusalem Palestine / Ottoman & Allied Army & Field Post / WWI German Army & Field PostH.H. Hirst ; Hirst, Herman H.
Index World Congress of Israel Holy-Land Societies Palestine / Collectors Societies & Publications World Congress Of Israel, Holyland and Judaica Philatelic Societies+ 
Index Maldive Islands and maccabiah stamps Israel / Judaica Foreign Stamps 
Index Mexican philatelic office bulletins Palestine / Collectors Societies & Publications Other Societies and Publications 
Index Dr. Alfred Clement ; [obituary] Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna / Obituaries Obituaries 1961--197 
Index TABIRAH 1968 Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna / Exhibitions Exhibitions 1961--197B.A. Remington ; Remington, Ben A.
Index EFIMEX `68 ; Exhibition in Zurich ; IFA Wien 1968, 1968 Provincial Stampex Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna / Exhibitions Exhibitions 1961--197 
Index Der Israel Philatelist Palestine / Collectors Societies & Publications Schweizerischer Verein der Israel-Philatelisten ; Der Israel Philatelist 
Index New Hon. Exchange Secretary ; [R. Norgate] Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna / Society Sections Exchange Section 
Index Two Holy Land anniversaries General Travel reports, non-philatelic literature, Religion 
Index U.S. societies exempted from tax General Philatelic Societiesby Piphilaticus ; Piphilaticus [pseud.]
Index The Six-Day war and the aftermath -- Occupied areas forerunners Palestine / Israeli Occupation 1967 War & Occupationsby Piphilaticus ; Piphilaticus [pseud.]
Index Displays of other societies Palestine / Collectors Societies & Publications Other Societies and Publicationsby Piphilaticus ; Piphilaticus [pseud.]
Index Willing horses Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna / Society Sections by Piphilaticus ; Piphilaticus [pseud.]
Index STAMPEX 1968 Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna / Exhibitions Exhibitions 1961--197by Piphilaticus ; Piphilaticus [pseud.]
Index Unidentified markings: [Firebrace DM16, DM8, DM4] Palestine / British & Allied Army & Field Post / WWI Michael Sacher ; Sacher, Michael M.
Index Sarah Ahronson Israel / Judaica JudaicaArieh Gelblum ; Gelblum, Arieh
Index Haknesset : the parliament Israel P. Kanner ; Kanner, Philipp