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12 Aug 2019 14:53:55
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Journal / Periodical
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1982; Vol: 11 Iss: 102/Summer
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Vol 11 Iss: 102/Summer
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Index Information from the archives : 1927--1937 ; [Crown Agents requision books] Palestine Mandate / Stamps Harrison Printsby N J Collins ; Collins, Norman J.
Index A major registered envelope error : 1929 Palestine Mandate / Postal Stationery & Forms Registered Envelopesby Arthur M Hochheiser ; Hochheiser, Arthur M.
Index Modern mail sorting in Israel Israel / Postal History & Postmarks by Dr W Y Loebl ; Loebl, Walter Y.
Index Another early letter from Acre : 1836 Palestine / Ottoman and other Prephilately Pre-philatelic Research, Routes & Ratesby Dr. H. H. Hirst ; Hirst, Herman H.
Index Registration labels used by A.P.O. SZ 20 Palestine / British & Allied Army & Field Post / WWI British Army & Field PostN.J.C. ; Collins, Norman J.
Index Editorial note Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna / BAPIP Bulletin BAPIP Bulletin EditiorialsCollins, Norman J. ; Collins, Norman J.
Index Disinfection of mail in the Holy Land 1902 Palestine / Ottoman Postal History by V. Denis Vandervelde ; Vandervelde, Victor D.
Index A Napoleonic letter from Jaffa 1799 Palestine / Ottoman and other Prephilately Pre-philatelic Research, Routes & RatesN.J.C. ; [contr,: Michael M. Sacher] ; Collins, Norman J.
Index A. Steichele: Die Postgeschichte Palästinas von 1841 bis 1918 ; [review] Palestine / Ottoman Postal History JF & VDV ; Fletcher, Julius A.
Index WWI censorships Palestine / British & Allied Army & Field Post / WWI Censorshipby J F Cousins ; Cousins, Jack F.
Index A Turkish telegram envelope used by Australian troops 1917 Palestine / British & Allied Army & Field Post / WWI ANZAC & other Commonwealth Army & Field PostN.J.C. ; [contr.: A G Rigo de Righi] ; Collins, Norman J.
Index Contemporary aricles on the stamps of Palestine : number 3 Palestine Mandate / Stamps Provisional Issues 1918 (Blues)conributed by Maxwell Seshold ; Sehold, Maxwell
Index Displays can increase BAPIP membership Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna, Other Societies, Varia  
Index Exchange packet rules Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna / Society Sections Exchange Section 
Index Members' subscriptions Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna Subscription 
Index Jerusalem 3 overprint : variety found out of normal position Palestine Mandate / Stamps Third Local Overprints 1921 (Jerusalem III)by Ralph Norgate ; Norgate, Ralph
Index BAPIP Bulletins nos. 1 to 100 for sale Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna / BAPIP Bulletin BAPIP Bulletin: Backnumbers & Reprints 
Index Desert air service Palestine--Iraq 1932 Palestine Mandate / Postal History & Postmarks / Transport Airmail Routesby A Goldschmidt ; Goldschmidt, Alfred
Index Chiasso--Sofia--Gerusalemme : a further note Palestine Mandate / Censorship & POW Mail / WWII POW Mail and Internment Campsby Stuart Rossiter ; Rossiter, Stuart
Index Israel : three new shekel definitive stamps January 1982 Israel / Stamps Definitive Stamps & ATMby Dr Joseph Wallach ; Wallach, Josef
Index Israel : a new mobile post office ; 1981 Palestine / Israeli Occupation Illegal Settlementsby Zvi Berest ; Berest, Zvi
Index Israel M.P.O.s Palestine / Israeli Occupation Illegal Settlementsby V Denis Vandervelde ; Vandervelde, Victor D.
Index The Palestine overprints on stamps of Egypt (UAR) ; [corrections] Palestine / Egyptian Occupation / Stamps by Dr. H. H. Hirst ; Hirst, Herman H.
Index Israel [mobile] military post offices Palestine / Israeli Occupation by Zvi Berest ; Berest, Zvi
Index Israel's future stamp programme Israel / Stamps  
Index Background to the memorial stamp : issued 22nd April 1982 Israel / Stamps Special Stamp Issues 
Index Members' activities Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna / Exhibitions Exhibitions 1981--199 
Index BAPIP meetings in London Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna / Society Sections Section Meetings & Programmesby B A Remington ; Remington, Ben A.
Index The BAPIP programme for 1982 Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna / Society Sections Section Meetings & Programmes 
Index Forthcoming exhibitions Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna / Exhibitions Exhibitions 1981--199 
Index PHILEXFRANCE 82 : the Dr. Werner Hoexter award Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna / Exhibitions Exhibitions 1981--199 
Index Auction results Palestine / Auction News, Catalogues & Results, Dealer Price Lists, Exhibition Catalogues & Palmares  
Index Artwork for the "Lake Tiberias" design : 1925 Palestine Mandate / Stamps Harrison Prints