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12 Aug 2019 14:53:55
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1985; Vol: 12 Iss: 111/Summer
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Vol 12 Iss: 111/Summer
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Index Motor mail : Egypt to Baghdad 1924 Palestine Mandate / Postal History & Postmarks / Transport Overland Mailby Norman J Collins ; Collins, Norman J.
Index Collecting underpaid postage fees Palestine Mandate / Postage Rates, Charges & Regulations by Moshe A. Pertzelan ; Pertzelan, Moshe A.
Index Members' activities Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna / Exhibitions Exhibitions 1981--199 
Index U.S.A.F. in Palestine during W.W.II Palestine Mandate / Army & Field Post / WWII Commonwealth Army and Field Post, 1939--1948by Charles R. Piver ; Piver, Charles R.
Index Mobilisation of Jews in Palestine W.W.II Palestine Mandate / Army & Field Post / WWII British Army and Field Post, 1939--1948by Zvi Berest ; Berest, Zvi
Index Air accident mail to and from Palestine and Israel : part V ; [1955--1956] Israel / Transport Accident & Wreck Mailby Fred F. Blau ; Blau, Fred F.
Index Use of service stamps (bul sherut) by the I.D.F. 1952--52 Israel / Army & Field Post Army & Field Postby Siegfried Adler and Norman Gladstone ; Adler, Siegfried
Index Forged Turkish postmarks Palestine / Ottoman Postal History Forgeriesby Carl R Catherman ; Catherman, Carl R.
Index Sarona : a postal agency 1916? Palestine / Ottoman Postal History Postal History & Postmarks of Other PlacesN.J. C. ; [contrib: Nathan Bruckheimer] ; Collins, Norman J.
Index The airgraph envelope : its precursors and post-use Palestine Mandate / Postal Stationery & Forms Airgraphsby Dr Arthur M Hochheiser and Julius Fletcher ; Hochheiser, Arthur M.
Index Editorial Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna / BAPIP Bulletin BAPIP Bulletin EditiorialsCollins, Norman J. ; Collins, Norman J.
Index Philatelic Advisors Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna / Society Sections  
Index Haifa railway mark 1907 & Tel Kelakh postmark : (Bulletin 109) ; [Hejaz Timuryoli, Tel-Quelah] Palestine / Ottoman Postal History Postal History & Postmarks of Haifaby Carl R Catherman ; Catherman, Carl R.
Index Registered covers from QUART. ISRAELITE ; [R-labels] Palestine / Ottoman Era / Foreign Post Offices Egyptian Office Jaffaby Norman J Collins ; Collins, Norman J.
Index FPO 38 with the EEF in 1916 Palestine / British & Allied Army & Field Post / WWI British Army & Field Postby N J Collins ; Collins, Norman J.
Index Editorial note Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna  
Index Haifa postmark variety found : 1930 Palestine Mandate / Postal History & Postmarks / Haifa Postmarksby Arthur M. Hochheiser and Emil S. Dickstein ; Hochheiser, Arthur M.
Index Mandate envelope P.T.749 used in Cyprus 1943 ; [Palestine Government Clearance Office, Platres] Palestine Mandate / Postal Stationery & Forms Other Postal Envelopesby Michael M. Sacher ; Sacher, Michael M.
Index Auction descriptions General General Postal Historyby C. A Tuteur ; Tuteur, Charles R.
Index Czechoslovak forces in Palestine : W.W.2 Palestine Mandate / Army & Field Post / WWII British Army and Field Post, 1939--1948by B. A. Remington ; Remington, Ben A.
Index Greek forces in the Middle East : 1944 Palestine Mandate / Army & Field Post / WWII Commonwealth Army and Field Post, 1939--1948by B. A. Remington ; Remington, Ben A.
Index New registration labels in Tsahal Israel / Army & Field Post Army & Field Postby Moshe Kol-Kalman ; Kol-Kalman, Moshe
Index Revenues : H.J.Z. P.T. 10 on 5 mil forgery Palestine Mandate / Stamps Fiscals & Miscellenea[contrib.: H.G. Muentz] ; Collins, Norman J.
Index Varieties of the siege of Jerusalem revenues : (otsar haam) Palestine / 1948 Interim Local Stamps & Services: Jerusalem[contrib.: Dahlia Jacobs] ; Collins, Norman J.
Index J.H. Coles & J.E. Walker: Postal Cancellations Of The Ottoman Empire, Part I, The Lost Territories In Europe ; [review] Palestine / Ottoman Postal History N.J.C. ; Collins, Norman J.
Index Bales Catalogue Of Israel Postage Stamps 1985 ; [review] Israel / Stamps N.J.C. ; Collins, Norman J.
Index B.A.P.I.P. meetings & future programme Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna / Society Sections Section Meetings & Programmes 
Index Stamp thefts Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna Collins, Norman J. ; Collins, Norman J.
Index B.A.P.I.P. publications for sale Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna / Society Sections Library Section 
Index Israphil '85 Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna / Exhibitions Exhibitions 1981--199 
Index Galibov trophy Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna / Exhibitions Exhibitions 1981--199 
Index Member's wants etc. Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna Member's Wants