Item View

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Date Loaded:
12 Aug 2019 16:31:39
Item Information
Record Type:
Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
1977; Iss: 29
Copyright End Year:
Item Sub Title:
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Copyright End Rule Text:
Copyright Deceased Year:
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Page Nos List:
Number of Pages:
Iss: 29
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
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Key Words 
Index CONGO – ‘Mols’ stamps by Denomination: (f) 50 centimes: 1915 Modified bilingual: Plating   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Cancellations: Normal Post Offices: Date stamps: mechanism of   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Post (or Telegraph) offices: Matadi   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Post (or Telegraph) offices: Banana   
Index CONGO – Mols Stamps: (c) 1909 ‘CONGO BELGE’ overprints: (iv) Typograph issue (ordinary): General   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Printing: Overprinting methods   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Printing: Paper   
Index CONGO – Mols Stamps: (b) 1894-1900, Independent State: General   
Index CONGO – ‘Mols’ stamps by Denomination: (f) 50 centimes: 1909 Congo Belge overprints: Typographed: Plating   
Index CONGO – ‘Mols’ stamps by Denomination: (g) 1 Franc: 1909 Congo Belge overprints: Typographed: Plating   
Index CONGO – ‘Mols’ stamps by Denomination: (h) 3.50fr and 3fr: 1909 Congo Belge overprints: Typographed: Plating   
Index CONGO – ‘Mols’ stamps by Denomination: (e) 40 centimes: 1909 Congo Belge overprints: Plating   
Index CONGO – ‘Mols’ stamps by Denomination: (d) 25 centimes: 1909 Congo Belge overprints: Typographed: Plating   
Index CONGO – ‘Mols’ stamps by Denomination: (j) 10 Francs: 1909 Congo Belge overprints: Typographed: Plating   
Index CONGO – ‘Mols’ stamps by Denomination: (i) 5 Francs: 1909 Congo Belge overprints: Typographed: Plating   
Index CONGO – ‘Mols’ stamps by Denomination: (b) 10 Centimes: 1915 Congo Belge overprints: Typographed: Plating   
Index CONGO – ‘Mols’ stamps by Denomination: (a) 5 Centimes: 1917 Congo Belge overprints: Typographed: Plating   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Printing: Overprinting methods   
Index CONGO – ‘Mols’ stamps by Denomination: (e) 40 centimes: 1922 25\40c Malines: Overprints   
Index CONGO – Mols Stamps: (i) Malines surcharge, 1922: 25\40c.: General   
Index CONGO – Mols Stamps: (f) 1915, Modified bilingual issue: 15c.: General   
Index CONGO – ‘Mols’ stamps by Denomination: (c) 15 centimes: 1915 Modified bilingual: Plating   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Post (or Telegraph) offices: Avakubi   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Post (or Telegraph) offices: Masi Manimba   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Post (or Telegraph) offices: Pania Mutombo