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Date Loaded:
12 Aug 2019 16:31:39
Item Information
Record Type:
Journal / Periodical
Source Record Type:
Item Title:
1981; Iss: 41
Copyright End Year:
Item Sub Title:
Copyright End Rule Code:
Item Alternate Title:
Copyright End Rule Text:
Copyright Deceased Year:
Who Name:
Class Mark:
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Physical Description:
Page Nos List:
Number of Pages:
Iss: 41
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
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Associated Documents
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No data to display
Key Words 
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Belgian Congo Study Circle: Meetings with: Belgian Study Circle   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Air Mail: Flight mail: 1925   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Air Mail: Flight mail: 1930   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Waterlow Study Circle   
Index RUANDA-URUNDI – Period 1916 to 1961: (A) STAMP ISSUES: 1916 EST AFRICAIN – overprints & 1922 EST AFRICAIN – Malines overprints: 1fr.   
Index RUANDA-URUNDI – Period 1916 to 1961: (A) STAMP ISSUES: 1916 EST AFRICAIN – overprints & 1922 EST AFRICAIN – Malines overprints: 5fr.   
Index RUANDA-URUNDI – Period 1916 to 1961: (A) STAMP ISSUES: 1916 EST AFRICAIN – overprints & 1922 EST AFRICAIN – Malines overprints: 50c.   
Index RUANDA-URUNDI – Period 1916 to 1961: (A) STAMP ISSUES: 1916 EST AFRICAIN – overprints & 1922 EST AFRICAIN – Malines overprints: 25c.   
Index RUANDA-URUNDI – Period 1916 to 1961: (A) STAMP ISSUES: 1916 EST AFRICAIN – overprints & 1922 EST AFRICAIN – Malines overprints: 5c.   
Index RUANDA-URUNDI – Period 1916 to 1961: (A) STAMP ISSUES: 1916 EST AFRICAIN – overprints & 1922 EST AFRICAIN – Malines overprints: 10c.   
Index RUANDA-URUNDI – Period 1916 to 1961: (A) STAMP ISSUES: 1916 EST AFRICAIN – overprints & 1922 EST AFRICAIN – Malines overprints: 15c.   
Index RUANDA-URUNDI – Period 1916 to 1961: (A) STAMP ISSUES: 1916 EST AFRICAIN – overprints & 1922 EST AFRICAIN – Malines overprints: General (Bulletins 45, 46 and 48 are best read as one),   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Cancellations: Normal Post Offices: Date stamps: examination of   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Cancellations: Normal Post Offices: Date stamps: withdrawn, obsolete etc   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Cancellations: Normal Post Offices: Telegraphic: General   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Bogus material: Overprints: ‘Est Africain’   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Katanga: Essays   
Index RUANDA-URUNDI – Period 1916 to 1961: (A) STAMP ISSUES: 1916 EST AFRICAIN – overprints & 1922 EST AFRICAIN – Malines overprints: Overprints: bogus   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Waterlow & Sons Ltd: Transfer to ‘De La Rue’   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Proofs, Trials, Essays, etc: Essays: Katanga   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Printing: De La Rue & Co Ltd   
Index CONGO – Mols Stamps: (h) Recuperation surcharges, 1921: General   
Index CONGO – ‘Mols’ stamps by Denomination: (a) 5 Centimes: 1921 10\5c Récupération: Plating   
Index CONGO – ‘Mols’ stamps by Denomination: (a) 5 Centimes: 1921 10\5c Récupération: Surcharges   
Index CONGO – ‘Mols’ stamps by Denomination: (c) 15 centimes: 1921 25\15c Récupération: Plating   
Index CONGO – ‘Mols’ stamps by Denomination: (c) 15 centimes: 1921 25\15c Récupération: Overprints   
Index CONGO – ‘Mols’ stamps by Denomination: (d) 25 centimes: 1921 50\25c Récupération: Overprints   
Index CONGO – ‘Mols’ stamps by Denomination: (e) 40 centimes: 1921 5\40c Récupération: Overprints   
Index CONGO – ‘Mols’ stamps by Denomination: (e) 40 centimes: 1921 5\40c Récupération: Plating   
Index CONGO – ‘Mols’ stamps by Denomination: (f) 50 centimes: 1921 15\50c Récupération: Plating   
Index CONGO – ‘Mols’ stamps by Denomination: (f) 50 centimes: 1921 15\50c Récupération: Overprints   
Index CONGO – ‘Mols’ stamps by Denomination: (b) 10 Centimes: 1921 30\10c Récupération: Plating   
Index CONGO – ‘Mols’ stamps by Denomination: (b) 10 Centimes: 1921 30\10c Récupération: Overprints   
Index CONGO – ‘Mols’ stamps by Denomination: (d) 25 centimes: 1921 50\25c Récupération: Plating   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Post (or Telegraph) offices: Basoko   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Post (or Telegraph) offices: Basongo   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Post (or Telegraph) offices: Baudouinville   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Post (or Telegraph) offices: Bengamisa   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Post (or Telegraph) offices: Beni   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Post (or Telegraph) offices: Bikoro   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Post (or Telegraph) offices: Bili   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Post (or Telegraph) offices: Bilili   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Post (or Telegraph) offices: Binga   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Post (or Telegraph) offices: Bishusa   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Post (or Telegraph) offices: Boende   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Post (or Telegraph) offices: Bogoro   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Booklets: ‘1915’   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Advertising: Booklet   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Diplomatic bag/services   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Arms Permits   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Cancellations: Normal Post Offices: River boats   
Index CONGO – ‘Mols’ stamps by Denomination: (d) 25 centimes: 1915 Modified bilingual: Plating   
Index RUANDA-URUNDI – Period 1916 to 1961: (B) Other Topics: Postal Stationery: Essay or Bogus?   
Index RUANDA-URUNDI – Period 1916 to 1961: (A) STAMP ISSUES: 1916 EST AFRICAIN – overprints & 1922 EST AFRICAIN – Malines overprints: 25c.   
Index CONGO – Mols Stamps: (i) Malines surcharge, 1922: 50\25c.: General   
Index CONGO – Mols Stamps: (f) 1915, Modified bilingual issue: 25c.: General   
Index CONGO – ‘Mols’ stamps by Denomination: (d) 25 centimes: 1922 50\25c Malines: Plating   
Index CONGO – Mols Stamps: (c) 1909 ‘CONGO BELGE’ overprints: (v) Princes issue: including non:overprints: General   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Zaire: Issues: Provisionals in general   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Rwanda: Provisional issues   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Postal Stationery: 1909, ‘CONGO BELGE’ overprints: General   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Albertville: (NE Katanga) issues   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Katanga: General   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Burundi: Provisional issues   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Postage Due: Post–Independence   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Postal Stationery: Post–Independence   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: United Nations Forces   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Railways: General   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Waterlow Study Circle   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Zaire: Postal Stationery