Item View

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Date Loaded:
12 Aug 2019 16:31:39
Item Information
Record Type:
Journal / Periodical
Source Record Type:
Item Title:
1985; Iss: 55
Copyright End Year:
Item Sub Title:
Copyright End Rule Code:
Item Alternate Title:
Copyright End Rule Text:
Copyright Deceased Year:
Who Name:
Class Mark:
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Physical Description:
Page Nos List:
Number of Pages:
Iss: 55
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
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Associated Documents
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No data to display
Key Words 
Index Auctions Auctions  
Index Exhibitions Rail Mail 2004  
Index Exhibitions Riccione  
Index Exhibitions Thematica  
Index Overseas stamps Sierra Leone  
Index Printers and printing Self-adhesive stamps  
Index Book reviews Book reviews  
Index Societies & Associations ABPS  
Index Societies & Associations American Topical Assn  
Index Societies & Associations Friends of Postal Heritage  
Index Postcards & greetings cards Northern Ireland  
Index Societies & Associations International Assn of Philatelic Experts  
Index Societies & Associations National PS  
Index Biography Kurt Kimmel  
Index Biography David Springbett  
Index Biography Harry Von Hofmann  
Index Definitives Business sheets  
Index Smilers sheets Union Jack  
Index Special Stamps 2004 Christmas  
Index Special Stamps 2004 Crimean War  
Index Special Stamps 2004 Woodland Animals  
Index Special Stamps 2005 programme  
Index Stamp booklets Stamp booklets  
Index Smilers sheets Cartoon stamps  
Index Smilers sheets Royal Horticultural Soc  
Index Smilers sheets Withdrawals  
Index Special Stamps 2005 Withdrawals  
Index Awards Rowland Hill  
Index Collectibles Collectables  
Index Postal history Royal Household mail  
Index Postmarks Royal Household  
Index Computing Philately On-Line  
Index Special Stamps 2004 Royal Society of Arts  
Index Design and designers Royal Society of Arts Stamp Design Competition  
Index Definitives Unissued Machin design Glenn Morgan
Index Stamp booklets Stamp booklets Glenn Morgan
Index Post offices Mobile offices Robinson
Index Postal history Mobile post offices Robinson
Index Biography Don Staddon Richard West
Index Covers Delayed by Enemy Action R. Phillifent
Index Posting boxes Posting boxes  
Index Events Events  
Index Book reviews Book reviews  
Index Overseas stamps Isle of Man  
Index Post offices Automated postal service  
Index Societies & Associations GBPS  
Index Stamp collecting Young competitors leaflet