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12 Aug 2019 17:37:23
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Journal / Periodical
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December 1982; Vol: 19/4
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Dec 1982
Number of Pages:
Vol 19/4
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Index Exhibitions \ Judging Revenue Philately Exhibits of Austrian Italy (Lombardy-Venetia) 1854-1866 at FIP World Lombardy; Venice; Austria; Italy Article; Postal StationeryKimmel, Kurt
Index \ Judging Revenue Philately Exhibits of \ Austrian Italy (Lombardy-Venetia) 1854-1866 at FIP World Exhibitions Lombardy; Venice; Austria; Italy Article;Kimmel, Kurt
Index FIP World Exhibitions \ Judging Revenue \ Philately Exhibits of Austrian Italy (Lombardy-Venetia) 1854-1866 at Lombardy; Venice; Austria; Italy Article;Kimmel, Kurt
Index Philately Exhibits of Austrian Italy (Lombardy-Venetia) 1854-1866 at FIP World Exhibitions \ Judging Revenue Lombardy; Venice; Austria; Italy Article; Postal HistoryKimmel, Kurt
Index \ Judging Revenue Philately Exhibits of Austrian Italy (Lombardy-Venetia) 1854-1866 at FIP \ World Exhibitions Lombardy; Venice; Austria; Italy Article; Postal HistoryKimmel, Kurt
Index Philately Exhibits of Austrian Italy (Lombardy-Venetia) \ 1854-1866 at FIP World Exhibitions \ Judging Revenue Lombardy; Venice; Austria; Italy Information;Kimmel, Kurt
Index FIP World Exhibitions \ Judging Revenue Philately \ Exhibits of Austrian Italy (Lombardy-Venetia) 1854-1866 at Lombardy; Venice; Austria; Italy Article;Kimmel, Kurt
Index Revenue \ Philately Exhibits of Austrian Italy (Lombardy-Venetia) 1854-1866 at FIP World Exhibitions \ Judging Lombardy; Venice; Austria; Italy Article; TraditionalKimmel, Kurt
Index Revenue Stamps in a Traditional \ Exhibit \ Using New Zealand Book Review; TraditionalOdenweller, Robert P
Index Judicial Stamps of the Straits Settlements in the \ Nineteenth Century \ The Strait Settlements Editorial;Chuan, Koh Seow
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Index \ How to \ Judge Cuba (Spanish Period) Cuba Article; TraditionalLewis, Geoffrey
Index Cuba (Spanish Period) \ How to \ Judge Cuba Article; RevenueLewis, Geoffrey
Index International \ Collectors \ First Stamp Exhibition by Sarawak Article 
Index Exhibition by International Collectors \ First \ Stamp Sarawak Article 
Index Title Pages ArticleSadler, John
Index South Africa \ Notes on Organised Philately in the \ Republic of Article; AstrophilatelyRedmond, Jill
Index Notes on \ Organised Philately in the Republic of South Africa \ Article; Picture PostcardsRedmond, Jill
Index Exhibiting \ The Open \ Class & One-Frame Article; One-frameKimmel, Kurt
Index Stanley Gibbons (Australia) Pty Ltd Advertisement 
Index Future? \ Judging Philatelic Literature in the \ USA: What is its U S A Article; Thematic Philately; Postal StationerySellers, F Burton
Index Philatelic Literature in the USA: What is its Future? \ Judging U S A Article; G R E V; G R E XSellers, F Burton
Index Meet Our Contributors Information