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Date Loaded:
12 Aug 2019 17:37:23
Item Information
Record Type:
Journal / Periodical
Source Record Type:
Item Title:
September 1986; Vol: 24/1
Copyright End Year:
Item Sub Title:
Copyright End Rule Code:
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Copyright End Rule Text:
Copyright Deceased Year:
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Physical Description:
Page Nos List:
Sep 1986
Number of Pages:
Vol 24/1
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
No data to display
Associated Documents
No data to display
No data to display
Key Words 
Index Channel Islands Postal History J. Simpson
Index Brench, F Obituaries  
Index Cards RAF National Postal Museum  
Index Sharland, P Obituaries  
Index £1 Musical Instruments #2 Stamp Booklets  
Index £1.30, £1.80 Children's Book Illustrations Stamp Booklets  
Index 50p Pond Life #3 Stamp Booklets  
Index 50p Roman Britain #2 Stamp Booklets  
Index £1 Musical Instruments #1 Stamp Booklets  
Index 1987 Programme Special Stamps  
Index 50p Pond Life #2 with stars Stamp Booklets  
Index 50p Pond Life #3 Stamp Booklets  
Index 50p Roman Britain #1 Stamp Booklets  
Index Harrison £1.50 Definitives  
Index Questa plates Wales  
Index Questa plates Northern Ireland  
Index Questa plates Definitives  
Index 1986 Royal Air Force Special Stamps  
Index Post Office SWPR RAF Postcards  
Index Registered Envelopes Postal Stationery  
Index Trinity House Maritime Barbara Last
Index Trinity House Thematic Barbara Last
Index Digest Digest  
Index Inland Revenue Inland Revenue Jean Farrugia
Index 1911 Coronation Aerial Post Airmail  
Index Post Office SEPR Aerial Postcards  
Index GPO 1 Postcards  
Index GPO 1 - First Mobile Post Office  
Index 1986 Royal Air Force Special Stamps  
Index Sanders, B Designers  
Index Author Index Author Index B. Sanders
Index 4 Doctor Blade Flaws Philatelic Terms Explained Ken Chapman
Index William Mulready Exhibitions  
Index 1929 Experimental Posting Boxes  
Index Moveable Box #1 Maritime  
Index Subject Catalogues Post Office Archives  
Index Letters Letters  
Index 1986 Activity Pack Special Stamps  
Index Cards Programme 1987 National Postal Museum  
Index Exhibitions Programme 1987 National Postal Museum  
Index Mails to and from India correction Postal History D.H. Giles
Index Research Studentship Post Office