Item View

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Source Ref:
Date Loaded:
12 Aug 2019 17:37:23
Item Information
Record Type:
Journal / Periodical
Source Record Type:
Item Title:
October 1995; Vol: 33/2
Copyright End Year:
Item Sub Title:
Copyright End Rule Code:
Item Alternate Title:
Copyright End Rule Text:
Copyright Deceased Year:
Who Name:
Class Mark:
Publication Place:
Physical Description:
Page Nos List:
Oct 1995
Number of Pages:
Vol 33/2
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
No data to display
Associated Documents
No data to display
No data to display
Key Words 
Index 1995 Rugby League Special stamps  
Index 1995 Christmas Special stamps  
Index Christmas Stamp books  
Index Postcards National Postal Museum  
Index Aerogrammes Christmas 1995 Postal stationery  
Index 1995 Yearbook Special stamps  
Index Presentation Pack Definitives  
Index 1995 Rugby League Special stamps  
Index British Philatelic Bulletin   
Index William Wyon Anniversary Cover Designers & engravers  
Index New Zealand Philatelic Literature Awards Exhibitions  
Index 1995 Stampex Autumn Exhibitions  
Index Letter Stamps Railways  
Index Astro-Space Stamp Club Societies & Associations  
Index Channel Islands Jersey Priority Service Envelopes   
Index Stampa '95 Exhibitions  
Index 1957 Scouts perfin Special stamps  
Index Newcastle '96 Exhibitions  
Index Exhibitions Post Haste National Postal Museum  
Index 1995 Rugby League Special stamps Wharton
Index Circular Delivery Company Post Office Archives O'Neill
Index Frama labels  Hinton
Index Postage dues  Hinton
Index Fiscal Stamps Postal history James Mackay
Index Genesis of Stamps Postal history James Mackay
Index Newspaper Tax Postal history James Mackay
Index Chalmers & Gray Postal history James Mackay
Index ABPS News Societies & Associations  
Index Fluor Blue  Douglas Myall
Index Fluorescent Inks Douglas Myall
Index Decimal Stamp Books Stamp books Douglas Myall
Index Vending £1 Archibald McIndoe Stamp books  
Index Yellow & Blue Fluor Stamp books Douglas Myall
Index Rowland Hill Stamp Booklet   
Index Promotional Sainsbury Stamp books  
Index Promotional W H Smith Stamp books  
Index Vending £1 Reginald Mitchell Stamp books  
Index Vending £2 Rowland Hill Stamp books  
Index Greetings 1995 error Stamp books Douglas Myall
Index 1d Postal Fiscals 1868 Victoria Gee
Index Book reviews   
Index St Kilda Mailboats Maritime James Mackay
Index Events   
Index 25p Scottish & Welsh Definitives  
Index Fluor new issues Definitives  
Index 1995 Christmas Special stamps  
Index Cylinders Stamp books  
Index Vending £1 Inspiration for Victory Stamp books