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Date Loaded:
12 Aug 2019 17:37:23
Item Information
Record Type:
Journal / Periodical
Source Record Type:
Item Title:
September 2009; Vol: 47/1
Copyright End Year:
Item Sub Title:
Copyright End Rule Code:
Item Alternate Title:
Copyright End Rule Text:
Copyright Deceased Year:
Who Name:
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Physical Description:
Page Nos List:
Sep 2009
Number of Pages:
Vol 47/1
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
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Associated Documents
No data to display
No data to display
Key Words 
Index Miscellaneous articles Authors Glenn Morgan
Index Stampex Exhibitions Glenn Morgan
Index British Postal Museum & Archive Special Stamps 2009 Glenn Morgan
Index Business Customised Sheets Exhibitions Glenn Morgan
Index Denmark and Sweden Postal history/services Glenn Morgan
Index Italia 2009 Exhibitions Glenn Morgan
Index Business Customised Sheets Exhibitions  
Index Machin head on banknotes Design and designers  
Index Obama stamp portrait Design and designers  
Index Royal Society of Art design competition Design and designers  
Index Birmingham Philatelic Society Postmarks  
Index Birmingham PS Societies and Associations  
Index British Air Mail Society Societies and Associations  
Index Overseas stamps Societies and Associations  
Index Trollope, Anthony Biography  
Index Post Office branding Postal history/services  
Index Stamp vending machines Postal history/services  
Index Auctions Postal history/services  
Index Bath Postal Museum Postal history/services  
Index Computing & websites Post and Go  
Index Posters & grille cards Postal history/services  
Index Design Classics Stamp booklets  
Index Design Classics Special Stamps 2009  
Index First day Postmarks  
Index Machines Post and Go  
Index Navy Uniforms Special Stamps 2009  
Index Silver stamps Collectables  
Index Withdrawals Definitives  
Index Withdrawals Special Stamps 2010  
Index Covers Special Stamps 2010  
Index Miniature medals collection Collectables  
Index Big Ben Commemorative sheets  
Index University of Cambridge Commemorative sheets  
Index British Postal Museum & Archive Special Stamps 2009  
Index Castles Generic sheets  
Index Robert Burns Exhibitions  
Index Samuel Johnson Exhibitions  
Index Submitting covers Postmarks  
Index Castles Generic sheets  
Index Italia 2009 Exhibition sheets  
Index Monacophil Exhibition sheets  
Index Airletters Postal stationery Colin Baker
Index Airmail labels Cinderella stamps  
Index Gold label trial Horizon labels  
Index Mainly Machins Definitives Douglas Myall
Index Machin identifers Definitives  
Index Prestige stamp books Stamp booklets  
Index Security features Definitives  
Index Miscellaneous articles Authors Richard West
Index Philatelic Congress of GB Societies and Associations  
Index Birmingham PS Societies and Associations  
Index Computing & websites Post and Go  
Index Miscellaneous articles Authors  
Index Book and journal reviews Definitives  
Index Travelling Post Offices (book review) Postal history/services  
Index Ideal stamp design George V  
Index International Stamp Exhibition 1912 Exhibitions  
Index International Stamp Exhibition 1912 Postcards & greetings cards  
Index International Stamp Exhibition 1912 Postmarks  
Index Miscellaneous articles Authors Martin Robinson
Index Castle high values (1955) Definitives  
Index Recess (intaglio) printing Print and printers  
Index Posting boxes Smilers stamps and sheets  
Index Covers Special Stamps 2010  
Index Events Special Stamps 2010  
Index BPMA 2010 series Postcards & greetings cards  
Index British Postal Museum & Archive Special Stamps 2009  
Index Design Classics Stamp booklets  
Index Designation Horizon labels  
Index London 2010 Exhibitions  
Index Midpex Exhibitions  
Index Military uniforms collection Collectables  
Index Brilliant Britain collection Collectables