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Date Loaded:
12 Aug 2019 17:37:23
Item Information
Record Type:
Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
August 2012; Vol: 49/12
Copyright End Year:
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Copyright End Rule Text:
Copyright Deceased Year:
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Physical Description:
Page Nos List:
Aug 2012
Number of Pages:
Vol 49/12
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
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Associated Documents
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Key Words 
Index Postbox (Readers’ letters)   
Index Olympic & Paralympic Stamp booklets  
Index Prestige stamp book Olympics & Paralympics  
Index Coin covers Covers  
Index Coin covers Olympics & Paralympics  
Index Definitives Olympics & Paralympics  
Index Gold Medal Winners stamps Olympics & Paralympics  
Index Olympic & Paralympic Definitives  
Index Olympic/Paralympic Covers  
Index Olympics Generic sheets  
Index Facsimile pack (1948 issue) Olympics & Paralympics  
Index Miniature sheets Olympics & Paralympics  
Index Royal Mail guide Postmarks  
Index Withdrawals Special Stamps  
Index Farm Animals Thematics  
Index Farm Animals 3 (Cattle) Post and Go stamps  
Index Australasia 2012 Exhibitions  
Index Australia 2013 Exhibitions  
Index National (Perth) Exhibitions  
Index Stampex Business Customised Sheets  
Index Stampex Exhibitions  
Index Strand Stamp Fair Exhibitions  
Index Global Philatelic Library Stamp collecting  
Index British Postal Museum & Archive BPMA  
Index Exhibitions Olympics & Paralympics  
Index Olympics Exhibitions  
Index 2011 UK A-Z Part 1 Special Stamps  
Index British Postmark Bulletin Postmarks  
Index Philatelic scholarship Stamp collecting  
Index 1964 Botanical Congress Special Stamps  
Index Bain, Neville Obituary  
Index Barlow, Sir William Obituary  
Index Jakarta Exhibitions Yvonne Wheatley
Index Jakarta 2012 Exhibition sheets  
Index 2012 UK A-Z Part 2 Special Stamps  
Index Europa Thematics  
Index UK tour Thematics  
Index Authors  J. Hall
Index Europa Thematics  
Index 2012 Great British Fashion Special Stamps  
Index Lundy Cinderella stamps  
Index Summer Isles Cinderella stamps  
Index Vanuatu underwater post office Postal history/services  
Index 2012 UK A-Z Part 2 Special Stamps  
Index Bletchley Park Post Office Postal history/services  
Index Commemorative Covers  
Index 2012 Britons of Distinction Special Stamps  
Index Turing, Alan Biography  
Index 1994 Picture Postcards Special Stamps J. Bowen
Index 2011 UK A-Z Part 1 Special Stamps  
Index Bath Postal Museum Postal history/services  
Index Book and journal reviews   
Index Musgrave, Thomas Moore Biography  
Index Index Volume 49   
Index Stampex Exhibitions