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Date Loaded:
12 Aug 2019 17:38:27
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
May 1913; Vol: 6/3
Copyright End Year:
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Page Nos List:
May 1913
Number of Pages:
Vol 6/3
Item Alt No:
No data to display
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Key Words 
Index 1942 air issue - letter and response Cameroons (Incl. Kamerun And Cameroun) Priddy & May
Index FAM-22 again - letter  Fricks
Index Akposo, Gold Coast - letter Gold Coast Anderson
Index Online Lists of Nigeria Cancellers - letter Nigeria Redhead
Index Nigeria's First Stamps - letter Nigeria Simon Heap
Index Ed VII 5s forgery - letter Sierra Leone Martin, Jeremy
Index Army Correspondence Card for WWI (error WWII in the header) - letter  Martin, Jeremy
Index George V Badge Issues of St Helena & Ascension…by R Stanton & W Thorpe Ascension BooksMurchie
Index George V Badge Issues of St Helena & Ascension…by R Stanton & W Thorpe St Helena BooksMurchie
Index George V Badge Issues of St Helena & Ascension…by R Stanton & W Thorpe St Helena Book Reviews and NoticesMurchie
Index Gloucester, Sierra Leone early postmark Sierra Leone Hossack
Index John Kevin Doyle  Bratzel
Index Airports at Lagos Nigeria May
Index New Censor Label Returned to Sender Nigeria CensorshipZanone
Index Airports at Lagos  May
Index Nigeria New Censor Label Returned to Sender Nigeria World War II CensorshipZanone
Index Parcel Post Togo Mayne
Index Another Wax Seal Sierra Leone Hanman
Index Ketejia cancel Gold Coast Anderson
Index First Sixpence Dot after PENCE Variety Sierra Leone Walton, Frank
Index Empress of Australia cover of 1935 Tristan Da Cunha Hanman
Index 1815 letter - rate explained? St Helena Mabbett, Bernard
Index Photographs taken after the Togo Campaign 1914 Togo Mayne
Index Internal Postal Rates St Helena Mabbett, Bernard
Index Use of Aerogrammes Cameroons (Incl. Kamerun And Cameroun) May
Index Exhibition of the Stamps of some of the African Colonies  Beckton, Dorning
Index 1975-82 25k definitive perforated SPECIMEN Nigeria Martin, Jeremy
Index Type 1 cds with '2' for February St Helena Mabbett, Bernard
Index SABENA from West Africa to UK, 1944-45  May
Index Theft from Forcados Post Office 1914 Nigeria Simon Heap
Index Robert F. Peel, Governor 1920-24 St Helena Mabbett, Bernard
Index Type II Postmark, 1990 format Tristan Da Cunha Moss
Index Late Use of the Sterling-revalued Stamps Cameroons (Incl. Kamerun And Cameroun) Bratzel
Index Small 46 in cds on Military Mail Cover St Helena Mabbett, Bernard
Index Gruss aus Victoria' Postcards Cameroons (Incl. Kamerun And Cameroun) Maddocks
Index 1902 cover - my favourite St Helena Savastano
Index Fort Stuart, Old Calabar - last post 23 Nov 1895 Niger Coast & Oil Rivers Maddocks
Index Godfrey Allen & Ken Read: who was who in Nigeria/Cameroons in WWII Cameroons (Incl. Kamerun And Cameroun) Maddocks
Index Godfrey Allen & Ken Read: who was who in Nigeria/Cameroons in WWII Nigeria Maddocks
Index Theft from Sapele Post Office, May 1914 Nigeria Simon Heap