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12 Aug 2019 17:38:27
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
November 1914; Vol: 7/9
Copyright End Year:
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Nov 1914
Number of Pages:
Vol 7/9
Item Alt No:
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Index Publications Bibliography 1990-2011Colin W Spong
Index Letters to the editor: Perforations Perforation Gauges; Collectors and Collecting Graham Slater
Index Stempel-Handbuch der K.u.K. Feldpost in Österreich-Ungarn 1914-1918 (Postmark handbook of K.u.K. fieldpost in Austria-Hungary 1914-18) Reviews Field Post; Postmarks and Postal Markings: Austro-Hungarian; Austria; Field Post: Austro-HungarianHerwig Rainer; Roger Morrell
Index Cinderella stamps of Bohemia and Czechoslovakia Part 1 Bohemia; Wehrschatz stamps Labels Cinderellas: Wehrschatz Stamps; Reviews: CinderellasC H Blasé
Index Rare first day cover from Theresienstadt Terezín Ian Nutley
Index Postal events after the liberation of Kutná Hora May 1945 onwards Provisional and Revolutionary Overprints, 1945 Kutná Hora; Kutná HoraRobert J Hill
Index Priority Post Priority Post Werner Müller; Hans van Dooremalen
Index Hidden pictures (skrý vacky) Secret Marks Bohemia and MoraviaAntonín Gazda; Michael Chant
Index German enclave of Southern Moravia Germans in Bohemia Salvatore J Rizza
Index 70th Anniversary of Sixth Russian Workers’ Party in Prague Workers' Party; Questions and Answers 2004Peter G Williams
Index French Foreign Legion Field Post French Foreign Legion; Questions and Answers: 2004Brian C Day
Index Scout 1918 Scout Issue; Questions and Answers 2004Robert J Hill
Index Can anyone help? Hradčany Issue 5h light green: Gutters; Náchod Gutters; Postage DuesMark Wilson
Index New issues postal stationery [Czech] Tradition of Czech Stamp Production Issues 2004; Stamp Engravers: Švengsbír, Jiří A. 1921-1983: 2004; Postal StationeryLindy Bosworth
Index New issues [Slovak] Cities Issues Pezinok; Pezinok; Archeology: Priceless Artefacts - Historical Paths Issue; Wright Brothers; Aircraft: 2003. 100th Anniversary Powered Flight; Artists: Master John. c.1460-1480: Annunciation of Our Lady; Artists: Krivoš, Rudolf: Bagpipes; Paintings Issues [Slovak]: 2003: November Issue; Artists: Vouet, Simon. 1590-1649: St Catherine; Artists: Baláž, Jozef. 1923-2006: Stamp Day IssueLindy Bosworth