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12 Aug 2019 17:38:27
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
May 1916; Vol: 9/3
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May 1916
Number of Pages:
Vol 9/3
Item Alt No:
No data to display
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Key Words 
Index Plastics in Philately Collecting, Accessories Korr, Fred
Index A Perpetual Calendar for Postal Historians Dates and Dating System Norby, Toke
Index Norway in World War II Norway, World War II Selko, Jamie
Index Collecting the Cullinan. The World's Largest Diamond Topical Collecting, Gems, Diamonds, Great Britain, Crown Jewels Taylor, James R.
Index The French Connection Philatelic Terminology, France, Universal Postal Union, International Mail Leahy, Edward
Index U.S. Stamps That Went to War. The Overrun Countries of 1943 and 1944 United States, Overrun Countries Set, Scott Nos. 909-921, World War II, Design, Production, Varieties, Postal History Lawrence, Ken
Index Letter to the Editor: Karl Lewis Covers Covers, Karl Lewis, Japan, Hand-painted, Catalog Collyer, William M.
Index Letter to the Editor: Taking a Bite Out of Bark Post Cards, Bark Voorspuy, Hendrik
Index Letter to the Editor: Define Terms, Please Covers, Philatelic Terminology Alden, John D.
Index Letter to the Editor: Lane on Cover American Philatelist, Lane Clark, Nancy B.
Index A Royal Wedding Surprise Monaco, Topical Collecting Royalty, First Days, Covers Slosman, Everett L.
Index Your President's Two Cents Worth: APs Sharing Your Concerns American Philatelic Society, Survey, United States Postal Service, Littlewood, Bill Hotchner, John M.
Index New Member Spotlight: Robert M. McClelland American Philatelic Society, McClelland, Robert M.  
Index Philatelic Favorite: Connections Covers Horn, Tom
Index Editor's Letter: Thumbs Up For Choice United States, Commemoratives Welch, Bill