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12 Aug 2019 17:38:27
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Journal / Periodical
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June 1918; Vol: 11/4
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Jun 1918
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Vol 11/4
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Index Index to Congress Books 1-16  Anonymous
Index Philatelic Ramblings by the President. Anecdotes Barr, Jere. Hess
Index The Thirty-second Congress of Great Britain, May 16th-19th, 1950, at Tunbridge Wells: An Impression. Congresses Great BritainHopkins, Adrian
Index Aristocrats of the Stamp Album. Rare Issues and Covers GeneralWard Jr., Philip H.
Index The Battleship Stamps. Revenues United StatesTurner, C. Brinkley
Index A Checklist of Known County Postmaster Handstamps of Oregon. Postal Markings OregonThompson, Howard K.
Index Colonial Mail In and Out of Philadelphia. Postal History Philadelphia (Pennsylvania)Graeff, Arthur D.
Index Cranbury and Its Postal History. Postal History New JerseyFisher, Edith M.
Index The Early Postal History of Guatemala. Postal History GuatemalaMandos, Joseph
Index Essays and Proofs...Why?. Essays and Proofs GeneralCaldwell, George W.
Index Estonia. Stamps EstoniaDomanski Jr., Vincent
Index The First Adhesive Postage Stamp. Postal History GreeceDrossos, Pandelis J.
Index Fort Delaware and Its Prisoner-of-War Covers. Censored Mail United StatesMacBride, Van Dyk
Index A History of Topical Collecting. Topical Collecting GeneralPoole, Bertram W.H.
Index The Ionian Island Paid Postmarks. Postal Markings Ionian IslandsBarr, Jere. Hess
Index Notes on the Stamps of Western Australia. First Issues Western AustraliaLuerssen, George V.
Index One Hundred and Sixty Years of Postal Progress in Delaware County, Pennsylvania. Postal History PennsylvaniaDodge, Allan Cleaves
Index Pittsburgh, Pa.: Its Postal History. Postal History PennsylvaniaImbrie, B.V.
Index Postal Markings on Pre-Stamp Covers. Postal Markings United StatesDunsmoor, H.A.
Index Much Ado about Nothing ? The 24c Continental. Grills United StatesChase, Carroll
Index Unusual Post Cancellations on Greek Adhesives of the Type of Large and Small Heads of Mercury. Postal Markings GreeceEconomides, A.B.
Index The War Issues of Rumania. Stamps RomaniaPosell, J.