Item View

Data Source Information
Source Ref:
Date Loaded:
12 Aug 2019 17:38:27
Item Information
Record Type:
Journal / Periodical
Source Record Type:
Series Title:
Item Title:
December 1925; Vol: 18/10
Copyright End Year:
Item Sub Title:
Copyright End Rule Code:
Item Alternate Title:
Copyright End Rule Text:
Copyright Deceased Year:
Who Name:
Class Mark:
Publication Place:
Physical Description:
Page Nos List:
Dec 1925
Number of Pages:
Vol 18/10
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
No data to display
Associated Documents
No data to display
No data to display
Key Words 
Index Commemorative Covers Review   
Index Postal Stationery: Victorian development   
Index Victoria: Postal Stationery Development   
Index Special Stamps: 1995 National Trust   
Index Stamp Books: Prestige 1995 National Trust   
Index Definitives: High Values new issue £1 and £3   
Index Definitives: High Values new printings   
Index Postal Stationery: Aerogrammes: Scottish   
Index Stamp Books: £1 Wartime Contributors   
Index Stamp Books: £2 Rowland Hill   
Index Stamp Books: 50p Sea Charts   
Index Friends of NPM   
Index Post Office Archives   
Index Design & Designers: Andy Goldsworthy   
Index Royal Mail Products: Cats Collection   
Index Special Stamps: 1995 Cats   
Index Biography: Tony Ramgobin   
Index Biography: Barry Robinson   
Index Biography: Alistair Sharp   
Index Biography: John Tew   
Index Special Stamps: 1964 Botanical 3d missing colour error   
Index Stamp Books: 1995 Greetings   
Index Stamp Books: Greetings   
Index Societies &: Associations   
Index Postal Mechanisation: Sorting machines  Douglas Muir
Index Victoria: 1865-69 6d  Gee
Index Postal Stationery: Victorian development   
Index Victoria: Postal Stationery Development   
Index Definitives: Machins 1990 Anniv. Issue  Hinton
Index Stamp Books: Penny Black Anniversary issue  Hinton
Index Postal Stationery: Aerogrammes: Scottish  James Mackay
Index Edward VII: Lowden Forgery  Ken Chapman
Index Forgeries: KE VII Lowden  Ken Chapman
Index Philatelic Terms: Lowden Forgery  Ken Chapman
Index Obituaries: A.J. Lowe   
Index Obituaries: Frank Staff   
Index Parcel Post: Start 1883  Squelch
Index Post Office Archives  Squelch
Index Post Boxes   
Index Book Reviews   
Index Stamp Books: £1 Wartime Contributors   
Index Stamp Books: £2 Rowland Hill   
Index Stamp Books: 50p Sea Charts