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Date Loaded:
12 Aug 2019 17:38:27
Item Information
Record Type:
Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
August 1936; Vol: 29/6
Copyright End Year:
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Page Nos List:
Aug 1936
Number of Pages:
Vol 29/6
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
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Key Words 
Index Editorial  Darryl Fuller
Index Bernard Murtaugh Obituary  
Index The Archive value of Postal Items Archives Tom Adami
Index 1998 – A Year in Machins Machin Albert Farrugia
Index Canada to US Airmail Canada Ian McMahon
Index Formula Aerogrammes of the British Commonwealth Aerogrammes Darryl Fuller
Index Editorial  Darryl Fuller
Index Ilsapex 98 Exhibitions  
Index Italia 98 Exhibitions  
Index Edith Scheckenbach Obituary  
Index Costa Rica Airmail: Stamps, Flights and Aviation Related Mail 1921 to 1930 Costa Rica R Gurevitch
Index The Archive value of Postal Items Archives Tom Adami
Index Elusive Machins – Have You Got Any of These? Machin Albert Farrugia
Index Australia Post Multi Parcels and Electronic Lodgment and Delivery System (ELADS) Parcel Post Ian McMahon
Index My Favourite Postcard Postcards Graeme Broxam
Index Formula Aerogrammes of the British Commonwealth Aerogrammes Darryl Fuller
Index Editorial  Darryl Fuller
Index Australia 99 Exhibitions  
Index Australia 99 Exhibitions  
Index Report on Australia 99 Exhibitions Darryl Fuller
Index Malta’s History Seen Through Its Stamps Malta Albert Farrugia
Index Review: A Selection of the Engraved Stamps of the Commonwealth of Australia, Australia Post Archives Darryl Fuller
Index Review: Priced Catalogue of New South Wales Revenue Stamps by Richard Peck and Dingle Smith New South Wales Ian McMahon
Index Review: Priced Catalogue of New South Wales Revenue Stamps by Richard Peck and Dingle Smith Revenues Ian McMahon
Index New South Wales Stamp Duty Rates (1865-1885) New South Wales Ian McMahon
Index Found in the Trash [M Bag] Parcel Post Darryl Fuller
Index Editorial  Darryl Fuller
Index Philex France 1997 Exhibitions  
Index Royal 99 Exhibitions  
Index Malta’s History Seen Through Its Stamps Malta Albert Farrugia
Index Australian Electoral Business: A Social Philately Exhibit Social Philately Hans Karman
Index Air Mail Routes and Rates in South America 1928-1940 by M Kurchan Reviews Darryl Fuller
Index Review: Air Mail Routes and Rates in South America 1928-1940 by M Kurchan Airmail Darryl Fuller
Index Important Changes to the Protection of Moveable Cultural Heritage Cultural Heritage  
Index Finding Fakes and Forgeries in the Library Library Ian McMahon
Index Finding Fakes and Forgeries in the Library Forgeries Ian McMahon
Index Mach(in) Ado About Nothing Machin Albert Farrugia
Index Cocos (Keeling) Islands 1939-1957 Pioneering and Historical Aviation Links and Their Philatelic Consequences Airmail Kim Dwyer
Index Found at Trash and Treasure Solomon Islands Darryl Fuller