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Date Loaded:
12 Aug 2019 17:42:44
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
1980; Vol: 35
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Vol 35
Item Alt No:
No data to display
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Index GEORGE V HEADS: 1d Value: Green paper   
Index GEORGE V HEADS: 1d Value: Die II : perf 12½   
Index GEORGE V HEADS: 1d Value: Die III : Study   
Index GENERAL INFORMATION: Ultra Violet : Lamp   
Index GENERAL INFORMATION: T.P.O.s: Express Rly. Down S.A. 20 Nov. 1914   
Index GEORGE V HEADS: 1d Value: Shades: Salmon eosin distribution   
Index GEORGE V HEADS: 1d Value: Shades: Lilac rose   
Index DEFINITIVE ISSUES : Birds & Fish Series (1966): 5c Thornbill   
Index GEORGE V HEADS: 3d VALUE: Die I: Unlisted variety?   
Index GENERAL INFORMATION: Labels Letter: Postage paid cash register receipt   
Index GENERAL INFORMATION: History of Post Office in NSW   
Index GENERAL INFORMATION: Glossary of Australian philatelic terms   
Index GVI ROOS: ½d Value: Variety on B R9/4   
Index GENERAL INFORMATION: Registration: UK type on Australian letter   
Index GENERAL INFORMATION: Constant varieties   
Index AIRMAILS: First airmails: Sydney-Hong Kong 25 May 1937   
Index COMMEMORATIVES (Pre-decimal): Telegraph in Australia Centenary (1954): Variety   
Index POSTMARKS & MARKINGS: Special events cancellations 1980   
Index GV KANGAROO ISSUES: 1d Value: Plate E LP R5/1   
Index POSTMARKS & MARKINGS: REDEX reliability trial 1954   
Index POSTMARKS & MARKINGS: Letter rate of postage from Australia etc. 1916 slogan   
Index GV KANGAROO ISSUES: 1d Value: A dilemma & comments   
Index GV KANGAROO ISSUES: 1d Value: Plate F LP R2/4 Error in Legge   
Index POSTMARKS & MARKINGS: Parliament House : Canberra   
Index POSTMARKS & MARKINGS: Express Rly Down SA 20/11/14   
Index POSTMARKS & MARKINGS: Glenelg Philatelic sales centre handstamp 15/5/78   
Index GENERAL INFORMATION: Have a go!   
Index GENERAL INFORMATION: Official mail underpaid mail card   
Index DEFINITIVE ISSUES : Birds & Fish Series (1966): 24c Kingfisher   
Index DEFINITIVE ISSUES : Birds & Fish Series (1966): 15c Galah   
Index REVIEWS: Penny Kangaroo of Australia 1913   
Index GEORGE V HEADS: 2d VALUE: Die I: Notes on early plates   
Index GENERAL INFORMATION: What day of the week was that?   
Index GEORGE V HEADS: 2d VALUE: Die I: Notes on plate 2   
Index GENERAL INFORMATION: Waltzing Matilda. sequel to,   
Index REVIEWS: Victorian : Government punctures   
Index REVIEWS: Stamps, A collector's guide   
Index REVIEWS: ACSC: Information   
Index GENERAL INFORMATION: Fleaspecks   
Index GV KANGAROO ISSUES: 1d Value: Varieties K2d & e wrongly positioned in ACSC   
Index POSTMARKS & MARKINGS: PILLAR BOX cancellations   
Index GV KANGAROO ISSUES: 1d Value: Substitute cliche   
Index GENERAL INFORMATION: Postal Stationery: Postcards : KGV 1d   
Index GEORGE V HEADS: 1d Value: Post cards   
Index GENERAL INFORMATION: Perfins: VG : Method of,