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13 Aug 2019 07:50:25
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Journal / Periodical
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1989; Vol: 8
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Vol 8
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Index Volume 8 No 3, May 1990 Incorrectly dated on cover as 'June' 1990 Volumes  
Index Editorial  Paul Barsdell
Index The Use of Computers in Philately Computers Hans Karman
Index Bass Strait Islands - Mails Maritime Alan Tippett
Index Bass Strait Islands Mails Postal History  
Index British Caribbean Philatelic Study Group Societies etc, Philatelic Dingle Smith
Index Exhibiting Postal History Exhibiting Edric Druce
Index Postal History Column  Edric Druce
Index PhilexFrance 89 Exhibitions  
Index Stampshow 89 Exhibitions  
Index Editorial  Paul Barsdell
Index National Association of Philatelic Exhibitors Exhibiting Paul Barsdell
Index Exhibiting - a World-wide Perspective Exhibiting Edric Druce
Index The Philatelic Society of Canberra, The First Year of Societies etc, Philatelic Ian McMahon
Index Via Torres Strait Maritime Ian McMahon
Index King George V Design with Prancing Horse Cinderellas John Grant
Index Australia Post 'Giftpak' Postal Stationery Ian McMahon
Index Austamp 90 Exhibitions Dingle Smith
Index Editorial  Dingle Smith
Index Austamp 90 Exhibitions Derek A Pocock
Index A Favourite Cover  John Grant
Index NSW: Postal Stationery Envelope with Nov 1900  John Grant
Index NSW: Postal Stationery Envelope with Perfin Nov 1900 New South Wales [NSW] John Grant
Index NSW: Postal Stationery Envelope with 'perfin' Nov 1904) Postal Stationery John Grant
Index Perfin Club of New Zealand and Australia Societies etc, Philatelic John Grant
Index From Hungary to Australia Hungary Judy Kennett
Index Australia Post 'Businesspak' Postal Stationery Ian McMahon
Index Australia Post 'Businesspak'  Ian McMahon
Index Australian Printed to Private Order Postal Stationery Postal Stationery Ian McMahon
Index Editorial  Dingle Smith
Index Volume 8 No 4, August 1990 Incorrectly numbered on cover & title page 49 as Vol 9 No 4 Volumes  
Index Exhibition: London 90 - Awards  Dingle Smith
Index From Hungary to Australia - corrigenda Hungary Judy Kennett
Index London 90 Exhibitions  
Index The Philatelic Family on Holiday Philatelic Family Dingle Smith
Index A Favourite Cover  Elspeth Bodley
Index Elspeth Bodley) England: Fifth Clause Post 1817  Ian Faber
Index Postal History Society Societies etc, Philatelic Elspeth Bodley
Index Cypher Labels of NSW & Queensland Revenues Dingle Smith
Index Australian Printed to Private Order Postal Stationery Postal Stationery Ian McMahon