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Date Loaded:
13 Aug 2019 07:50:25
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Journal / Periodical
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1994; Vol: 13
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Vol 13
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Index Censsor Station Letter codes BL & CY WW1 The Americas Canada Code 1C5B.Ccoates
Index Handstamps WW1 Asia Burma Code 1D11B.Bennett
Index Austrian Gelicia WW1 Europe Austrian Empire Civil mail Austria Galacia Code 1A18-1-11G.Mark
Index Austria to Sweden, an odd route WW1 Europe Great Britain Civil mail Code 1A7-1St. Karsson
Index Austria to Sweden, an odd Route WW1 Europe Austrian Empire Civil mail Austria Code 1A18-1St. Karlsson
Index PoW Mail from Siberia WW1 The Americas USA Censorship in USA PoW mail Code 1C6-1-2G.Mark
Index Mail between Iceland and USA WW1 The Americas USA Censorship in USA Civil mail Code 1C6-1-1M.Tuttle
Index The large and small "F"s WW1 Africa British censorship Egypt Code 1B1-1G.Mark
Index Import Controls? Between the World Wars The Americas Code 2CL.Pollard
Index Poland to Palestine - a mystery marking Between the World Wars Europe Poland Code 2A12P.Phillips
Index Poland to Plestine - a mystery marking Between the World Wars Asia Palestine Code 2D4P.Phillips
Index Kuwait to Switzerland, what route? WW2 Europe Great Britain Code 3A8K.Abdul Mughni
Index Kuwait to Switzerland, what route? WW2 Africa British censors in Africa & the Middle East Network Iraq Code 3B1-3K.Abdul-Mughni
Index Handstamps WW2 The Americas Cuba Code 3C4Ch. Miller
Index Backgrounf and label DDA 196 WW2 Australasia & Oceania British Empire Pitcairn Is Code 3E1-6R.Startup
Index Censorship of Inland Mails WW2 Asia British Empire India (British) (DH) Code 3D1-6V.Kumar
Index Black List Mail WW2 Europe Great Britain Civil mail Code 3A8-1G.Fryer
Index Memorandum PC 277 WW2 Europe Great Britain Civil mail Code 3A8-1M.Evans
Index GB Handstamps, new reports WW2 Europe Great Britain Civil mail Code 3A8-1B.Coates
Index Detained in France during German Occupation WW2 Europe Germany German Occupied Areas France - stations ‘l’,‘n’,‘x’,‘y’ Code 3A3-13-2R.Reader
Index USA - PoW Mails WW2 The Americas USA PoW mail Code 3C9-3W.Boddenberg
Index What did the Censor see? WW2 Europe Germany Censor-station ‘b’ Berlin Code 3A3-2J.Dahl & Ch.LaBlonde
Index What did the Censor see? WW2 The Americas USA Civil mail Code 3C9-1J.Dahl & Ch.LaBlonde
Index Censor's Wax Seal WW2 Europe Malta Code 3A12B.Whittaker
Index h/s "Received Damaged / Postal Censor" WW2 Asia British Empire India (British) (DH) Code 3D1-6J. Dunlop