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Date Loaded:
13 Aug 2019 07:50:25
Item Information
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
2000; Vol: 19
Copyright End Year:
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Copyright Deceased Year:
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Number of Pages:
Vol 19
Item Alt No:
No data to display
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Key Words 
Index Editorial  Darryl Fuller
Index Canpex 2000 Exhibitions  
Index Exhibitions [forthcoming] Exhibitions  
Index The Society and Exhibitions Exhibitions J Kennett
Index An Interesting Auction House Dealers Darryl Fuller
Index Olymphilex 2000 Exhibitions Ian McMahon
Index Olympic and Sports Philatelic Literature Library Ian McMahon
Index Canpex 2000 – The Friendly Exhibition Exhibitions Sherryll Oswald
Index On Exhibiting and Exposing Exhibiting “Litotes”
Index Collecting Stampless Air Letter Forms Can Be Fun: Examples from Jamaica Aerogrammes Dingle Smith
Index Editorial  Darryl Fuller
Index Espana 2000 Exhibitions  
Index Exhibitions [forthcoming] Exhibitions  
Index Launpex 2000 Exhibitions  
Index Victoria 2000 Exhibitions  
Index WIPA 2000 Exhibitions  
Index Disposals Advice Panel Philatelic Society of Canberra  
Index Australia Post’s Adstamps Service Archives Ian McMahon
Index As You Like It Exhibiting  
Index Fine Used  “Litotes”
Index What is Due if Not Postage Postal History  
Index Important Announcement Regarding International Postage Rates Postage Rates  
Index Malta – A French Connection Malta Albert Farrugia
Index Editorial  Darryl Fuller
Index 2001 A Stamp Odyssey Exhibitions  
Index Exhibitions [forthcoming] Exhibitions  
Index Hong Kong 2001 Exhibitions  
Index Edric Druce Obituary  
Index The Exhibiting Game Letter to the Editor Sherryll Oswald
Index What the Post Office Has Joined  “Litotes”
Index Net Trek the Pacific – Return Visit Pacific Islands Sherryll Oswald
Index What is a Stamp  Hans Obermuller
Index Forged Overprints on Ebay – Beware! Forgeries Sherryll Oswald
Index GB Used in Hong Kong  Daniel Tangri
Index Editorial  Darryl Fuller
Index Exhibitions [forthcoming] Exhibitions  
Index Pamela Van der Sprenkel Obituary  
Index Multiple Choice Questions  “Litotes”
Index The King George VI Era in Australian Stamps 1936-52 Archives Geoff Kellow
Index Ebay – The Good, The Bad and The Downright Ugly Ebay Jim Whitford-Stark and Sherryll Oswald
Index Faked Overprints on Ebay – Beware! Forgeries Sherryll Oswald