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Date Loaded:
13 Aug 2019 10:02:30
Item Information
Record Type:
Journal / Periodical
Source Record Type:
Item Title:
1990; Vol: 6 1990–91
Copyright End Year:
Item Sub Title:
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Item Alternate Title:
Copyright End Rule Text:
Copyright Deceased Year:
Who Name:
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Physical Description:
Page Nos List:
Number of Pages:
Vol 6 1990–91
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
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Associated Documents
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No data to display
Key Words 
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Literature: Generally available   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Katanga: General   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Air Mail: Clowes collection   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Belgian Congo Study Circle: Bulletin: Index   
Index CONGO – Mols Stamps: (a) 1894-1925, entire period: Plating: books on, by Tavano   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Princes issue Refer to Book by Tavano 
Index CONGO – Mols Stamps: (c) 1909 ‘CONGO BELGE’ overprints: (v) Princes issue: including non:overprints: Book on, by Tavano   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Literature: Tavano, books by   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Literature: ‘Cancellations …’ Heim/Keach 3rd Edition   
Index CONGO – Mols Stamps: (b) 1894-1900, Independent State: Plating: (Frenay books)   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Cancellations: Normal Post Offices: Refer to ‘The Cancellations of the Normal Post Offices …’ by Heim and Keach.: Refer to 3rd edition   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Belgian Congo Study Circle: Expert Committee: Gudenkauf, donation by   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Belgian Congo Study Circle: Expert Committee: General   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Belgian Congo Study Circle: Library   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Belgian Congo Study Circle: Exchange Packet: (UK and Belgium)   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Postal routes: Air mail: 1930’s (mainly Imp. Airways) 37/16   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Postal Rates: Air Mail: 1930’s.   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Air Mail: Imperial Airways: further comments   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Post (or Telegraph) offices: Costermansville   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Post (or Telegraph) offices: Elizabethville   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Post (or Telegraph) offices: Usumbura   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Fort Lamy   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Post (or Telegraph) offices: Kole (Stanleyville)   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Air Mail: Cachets: Crash mail   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Accidents: Mail involved in   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Post (or Telegraph) offices: Coquilhatville   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Post (or Telegraph) offices: Elizabethville   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Post (or Telegraph) offices: Dibaya   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Post (or Telegraph) offices: Kamina   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Post (or Telegraph) offices: Leopoldville   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Post (or Telegraph) offices: Idiofa   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Post (or Telegraph) offices: Libenge   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Post (or Telegraph) offices: Usumbura   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Post (or Telegraph) offices: Kabalo   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Crash mail (Refer ‘Air mail’) 
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Censorship: World War 2: General   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Belgian Congo Study Circle: Library   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Air Mail: Clowes collection   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Air Mail: ‘Airmail Collector’   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Auctions: ‘De Moffarts’   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Auctions: ‘Airmail Collector’