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24 Sep 2019 14:36:03
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Journal / Periodical
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1969; Vol: 35
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Vol 35
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Index Dedication in Memorium: William Stericker. Obituaries Anonymous
Index President's Message.  Stericker, William
Index Report of the 34th American Philatelic Congress Held at BALPEX, Baltimore, Maryland October 4, 5, and 6, 1968. American Philatelic Congress Proceedings and MeetingsBrandeberry, Robert B.
Index Philately in the National Archives. Collections Hecht, Arthur
Index Postage Stamps as an Advertising Medium for Drugs and Drug Sundries. Advertising GeneralGriffenhagen, George B.
Index The Franklin Carrier Stamp of 1851. Carrier Issues United StatesHarris, James P.
Index A New Discovery on the United States 1869 Issue. Classic Issues United StatesBirkinbine II, John
Index Double Transfers of the Bank Note Period 1870-1890. Errors, Freaks and Oddities United StatesKeally, James M.
Index Patriotic Covers of the Confederacy. Cachets Confederate States of AmericaSimon, Ludwig L.
Index Is Topical Collecting an Underdeveloped Form of Philately?. Topical Collecting GeneralObregon, Emilio
Index An Oddity Collection. Covers GeneralSeebacher, Ira
Index The Second Issue of the Republic of Ecuador. Plates and Plating EcuadorHarris, Leo John
Index The Paris "Agence" for Sale of Colonial Postage Stamps. Agencies, Philatelic Stone, Robert G.
Index The Mysterious Disaster of the "Jacquard." Balloon Mail FranceCohn, Ernst M.
Index The Island State of a Hundred Days. Covers GreeceDrossos, Pandelis J.
Index Postal History of Post-World War One Polish Plebiscites. Overprints and Surcharges GermanyKoffsky, Peter L.
Index Zemstvo Issues of Czarist Russia. Covers RussiaGordon, Leo
Index Postmasters' Provisionals of the Ryukyu Islands. Postal History Ryukyu IslandsWong, Jim
Index Twentieth Century Postal Stationery of Spain. Catalogs and Price Lists SpainVan Dam, Theo.
Index Professional Preparation of Specialized Collections for Public Auction. Auctions GeneralHood, Austin C.