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24 Sep 2019 14:36:03
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Journal / Periodical
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1981; Vol: 47
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Vol 47
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Index President's Message.  Brandeberry, Robert B.
Index Report of the 46th American Philatelic Congress, Kenner, Louisiana, October 11, 1980. American Philatelic Congress Proceedings and MeetingsBoehret, Diane D.
Index Dedication - 1981 - Sidney Schneider. Obituaries Anonymous
Index Dedication and Obituary, Eugene C. Reed  Schneider, Sidney
Index Dedication - 1981 - Svend Yort. Obituaries Anonymous
Index A Reporter's Lot in the 1870 War. Balloon Mail FranceCohn, Ernst M.
Index Washington, D.C., The Early Years. Free Franks United StatesAlexander, Thomas J.
Index German Troop Ships in the Boxer Rebellion. Maritime Mail Boehret, Jesse and D.D. Boehret
Index New York-Washington Bicentennial-Federal Hall Cachets and Cancellations. Cachets United StatesSente, Marjory J.
Index Johnson's Box ? Label or Local?. Locals and Private Posts Philadelphia (Pennsylvania)Stets, Robert J.
Index The 22 Cent Rate from Cuba to France under the U.S.? French Convention of 1857. Postal Conventions Wierenga, Theron
Index Discovery of Civil War correspondence relating to the Union "iron clad" ? the U.S.S. MONTAUK. Covers United StatesMitchell, Milton
Index Background on the Full-Face McKinley Postal Cards. Postal Cards United StatesBozurth [sic], Theodore W.
Index The Rigid Dirigible Airship U.S.S. Akron. Cachets United StatesThompson, R.R.
Index The Seventh Regiment Goes to War. Express Companies United StatesHerst Jr., Herman
Index Canadian Flag Cancels The Classic Era ? 1896-1902. Cachets CanadaPaige, Larry R.
Index The Edward VIII Stamp of Great Britain. International Mail Ruthrauff Sr., Raymond W.
Index Fremont for the Philatelist. II: An Addendum to a Catalog of John Charles Fremont Presidential Campaign and Civil War Patriotic Envelopes and Letter Sheets. Cachets United StatesRochlin, Phillip
Index 1879 Two Cent Vermilion, Damaged Plate - An Update United States Errors, Freaks and OdditiesJennings, Clyde
Index Editor's Note American Philatelic Congress Editor's NoteRuthrauff Sr., Raymond W.