Index |
President's Message.
| | Brandeberry, Robert B. |
Index |
Report of the 46th American Philatelic Congress, Kenner, Louisiana, October 11, 1980.
| American Philatelic Congress Proceedings and Meetings | Boehret, Diane D. |
Index |
Dedication - 1981 - Sidney Schneider.
| Obituaries | Anonymous |
Index |
Dedication and Obituary, Eugene C. Reed
| | Schneider, Sidney |
Index |
Dedication - 1981 - Svend Yort.
| Obituaries | Anonymous |
Index |
A Reporter's Lot in the 1870 War.
| Balloon Mail France | Cohn, Ernst M. |
Index |
Washington, D.C., The Early Years.
| Free Franks United States | Alexander, Thomas J. |
Index |
German Troop Ships in the Boxer Rebellion.
| Maritime Mail | Boehret, Jesse and D.D. Boehret |
Index |
New York-Washington Bicentennial-Federal Hall Cachets and Cancellations.
| Cachets United States | Sente, Marjory J. |
Index |
Johnson's Box ? Label or Local?.
| Locals and Private Posts Philadelphia (Pennsylvania) | Stets, Robert J. |
Index |
The 22 Cent Rate from Cuba to France under the U.S.? French Convention of 1857.
| Postal Conventions | Wierenga, Theron |
Index |
Discovery of Civil War correspondence relating to the Union "iron clad" ? the U.S.S. MONTAUK.
| Covers United States | Mitchell, Milton |
Index |
Background on the Full-Face McKinley Postal Cards.
| Postal Cards United States | Bozurth [sic], Theodore W. |
Index |
The Rigid Dirigible Airship U.S.S. Akron.
| Cachets United States | Thompson, R.R. |
Index |
The Seventh Regiment Goes to War.
| Express Companies United States | Herst Jr., Herman |
Index |
Canadian Flag Cancels The Classic Era ? 1896-1902.
| Cachets Canada | Paige, Larry R. |
Index |
The Edward VIII Stamp of Great Britain.
| International Mail | Ruthrauff Sr., Raymond W. |
Index |
Fremont for the Philatelist. II: An Addendum to a Catalog of John Charles Fremont Presidential Campaign and Civil War Patriotic Envelopes and Letter Sheets.
| Cachets United States | Rochlin, Phillip |
Index |
1879 Two Cent Vermilion, Damaged Plate - An Update
| United States Errors, Freaks and Oddities | Jennings, Clyde |
Index |
Editor's Note
| American Philatelic Congress Editor's Note | Ruthrauff Sr., Raymond W. |