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01 Oct 2019 17:48:25
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Journal / Periodical
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1979; Vol: 1979/4
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Vol 1979/4 Iss: 0
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Vol 36-3 pdf
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Index Romanian foreign Mail WW2 Europe Great Britain Civil mail Code 3A8-1D-S.Grecu
Index Romanian Foreign Mail WW2 Europe Roumania Code 3A17D-S.Grecu
Index Romanian foreign Mail WW2 Africa British censors in Africa & the Middle East Network Egypt Code 3B1-1D-S.Grecu
Index Romanian Foreign Mail WW2 Asia French Colonies Lebanon & Syria Code 3D2-3D-S.Grecu
Index UK to India "Despatched by Rail ...." WW2 Asia British Empire India (British) (DH) Code 3D1-6M.Smith
Index 1948 & 1956/57 Syrian Censorship Post WW2 Asia Syria Code 4D13M.Parren
Index Caprus - Operation Musketeer Post WW2 Europe Cyprus (Suez Crisis) Code 4A21-2M.Parren
Index Netherlands Inland Mails WW2 Europe Great Britain Civil mail Code 3A8-1K.Morenweiser
Index British PC90 with two imprints WW2 Europe Great Britain Civil mail Code 3A8-1K.Morenweiser
Index Netherlands Inland Mails, Update WW2 Europe Netherlands Civil mail 1944-1946 Code 3A14-1K.Morenweiser
Index New Handstamp WW2 The Americas US Possessions Panama Canal Zone Code 3C13-2P.Ammon
Index Mail to the Joint Distribution committee WW2 Africa British East Africa Mauritius (EE) Code 3B3-2L.Nelson
Index Mail to the Joint Distribution Commottee WW2 Europe Great Britain Field post Internee mail Code 3A8-4L.Nelson
Index New Zealand to IRC Geneva WW2 Australasia & Oceania British Empire New Zealand (DDA) Code 3E1-4J.Pollard
Index Switzerlan to New Zealand WW2 Africa South Africa, Union of Code 3B5J.Pollard
Index Australia to Switzerland WW1 Australasia / Oceania Australia Civil mail Code 1E1-1E.Fraser
Index Censor's forms WW2 The Americas USA Civil mail Code 3C9-1P.Burrows
Index GB - Censor's slips WW2 Europe Great Britain Civil mail Code 3A8-1various
Index Canada - Telegram Censorship WW2 The Americas British Empire Canada (DB) Code 3C10-18P.Burrows
Index Telegram Censorship WW2 Africa British censors in Africa & the Middle East Network Palestine Code 3B1-6P.Burrows
Index Finland - Canada WW2 Europe Finland Civil mail Code 3A4-1D.Mario
Index Passed / Acceptè WW2 The Americas British Empire Canada (DB) Civil mail 3C Code 3C10-18-1D.Mario
Index Label 6A1 (70) black/yellow WW2 Africa British censors in Africa & the Middle East Network Palestine Code 3B1-6J.Rawlins
Index Plain Brown Tape without handstamp ? Bermuda WW2 The Americas British Empire Bermuda (C, IC) Code 3C10-3N.Hunter