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01 Oct 2019 17:48:25
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Journal / Periodical
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1985; Vol: 1985/1
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Vol 1985/1 Iss: 0
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Index The independence day issues of Israel ; [1] Israel / Stamps Special Stamp Issuesby A.S. Baum ; Baum, Arno S.
Index Novel official mail registration in Israel Israel / Postal History & Postmarks Registration Labels & MarkingsH.H.H. ; Hirst, Herman H.
Index First flights ; [6] Palestine Mandate / Postal History & Postmarks / Transport First Flightsby A. Goldschmidt ; Goldschmidt, Alfred
Index New censor marks in Israel Israel / Censorship & Security Censorship & Security 
Index Forged postmark of Semakh Palestine Mandate / Postal History & Postmarks / Other Postmarksby E.C. Sterne ; Sterne, Ernest C.
Index Additional notes on the First Jerusalem Overprint Palestine Mandate / Stamps First Local Overprints 192 (Jerusalem I)by J.D. Schwartz ; Schwartz, Joseph D.
Index Additional notes on the First Jerusalem Overprint : further observations Palestine Mandate / Stamps First Local Overprints 192 (Jerusalem I)by A.A. Lyness ; Lyness, Arthur A.
Index [2 m. yellow Waterlow: H for N error] Palestine Mandate / Stamps Second London Overprints 1922 (London II)by J.D. Schwartz ; Schwartz, Joseph D.
Index Sugar rationing coupons Palestine / British & Allied Army & Field Post / WWI by J.D. Schwartz ; Schwartz, Joseph D.
Index The Dr. Rachwalsky Memorial Cup Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna / Personel Dr. Rachwalsky Memorial Cup, Dr. Hirst Trophy 
Index Unique Mandate items ; [control block A 18] Palestine Mandate / Stamps Provisional Issues 1918 (Blues)M.M. Sacher ; Sacher, Michael M.
Index Motor-vessels of Israel : first-day covers Israel / Stamps Special Stamp IssuesL. Badrian ; Badrian, Lotte
Index Cheques to the Holy Land General Numismatics & other collectablesby Dr. O. Stadler ; Stadler, O.
Index Translation and transliteration of Hebrew inscriptions on Israel postal issues ; 31 Israel / Stamps by A.S. Baum ; Baum, Arno S.
Index Translation and transliteration of Hebrew inscriptions on Israel postal issues ; 32 Israel / Stamps by A.S. Baum ; Baum, Arno S.
Index Unique Mandate items ; [cover 6 x 1m] Palestine Mandate / Stamps Third Local Overprints 1921 (Jerusalem III)M.M. Sacher ; Sacher, Michael M.
Index Observations on the First London Overprint : 3m. circle variety Palestine Mandate / Stamps First London Overprints 1921/22 (London I)by Ariel Janne ; Janne, Ariel
Index Archaeology in the Holy Land : as seen on stamps of Israel & Jordan Israel / Judaica Judaicaby Walter J. Stern ; Stern, Walter J.
Index News comments and memories General General Postal Historyby Piphilaticus ; Piphilaticus [pseud.]
Index The first interim period : a summary of hitherto available information Palestine / British & Allied Army & Field Post / WWI by H.J. Posner ; Posner, H.J.
Index The Anglo-Soviet-Persian censorship markings Palestine Mandate / Censorship & POW Mail / WWII Censorship and POW Mailby J.D. Schwartz ; Schwartz, Joseph D.
Index Postmarks of Israel : glimpses from their workshop ; [2] Israel / Postal History & Postmarks Postmarksby N. Gladstone ; Gladstone, Norman
Index Register of members wishing to give displays Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna / Exhibitions Exhibitions 1961--197 
Index Israel postage rates 1966 Israel / Routes & Rates Postal Rates 
Index No international exhibition in Israel Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna / Exhibitions Exhibitions 1961--197 
Index SIPEX 1966 Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna / Exhibitions Exhibitions 1961--197 
Index British Philatelic Exhibition 1966 Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna / Exhibitions Exhibitions 1961--197 
Index ISPEX 1966 Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna / Exhibitions Exhibitions 1961--197 
Index Contributions to the BAPIP Bulletin Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna / BAPIP Bulletin BAPIP Bulletin: Request for Contributions, Advance Items 
Index Late News Flash : British Philatelic Exhibition Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna / Exhibitions Exhibitions 1961--197 
Index BAPIP Committee meeting Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna / Society Sections  
Index Second Local Overprint : Palestine Palestine Mandate / Stamps Second Local Overprints 192 (Jerusalem II)by A.A. Lyness ; Lyness, Arthur A.
Index Postal markings of Tel-Aviv Palestine Mandate / Postal History & Postmarks / Tel Aviv & Jaffa Postal History & Postmarks of Tel Aviv and Jaffaby A.A. Lyness ; Lyness, Arthur A.
Index AEROFILA 67 Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna / Exhibitions Exhibitions 1961--197 
Index PHILYMPIA 1970 Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna / Exhibitions Exhibitions 1961--197 
Index SIPEX 1966 Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna / Exhibitions Exhibitions 1961--197 
Index Mr. Abraham Greenspan ; [obituary] Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna / Obituaries Obituaries 1961--197 
Index London Section programme Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna / Society Sections Section Meetings & Programmes 
Index 13th annual general meeting Palestine / BAPIP & HPS Society Interna AGM minutes & notices