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Date Loaded:
22 Oct 2019 10:00:34
Item Information
Record Type:
Auction Catalogues & Private Treaty
Source Record Type:
Item Title:
3 Aug 2000; Sale No: 111
Copyright End Year:
Item Sub Title:
Copyright End Rule Code:
Item Alternate Title:
Copyright End Rule Text:
Copyright Deceased Year:
Who Name:
Class Mark:
Public Auction
Publication Place:
USA : Santa Monica
Physical Description:
Page Nos List:
3 Aug 2000
Number of Pages:
Sale: 111
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
No data to display
Associated Documents
No data to display
ACATB_157147 Location: RPSL Basement Stacks ' Binding: Spine Title:
No additional data to display
Key Words 
Index Hostile Countries' Censor Salisbury House, London WW1 Europe Great Britain PoW & Internee mail Code 1A7-3G.Mark
Index Examiner 3500, a Czechoslovak Specialist WW2 Europe Great Britain Civil mail Code 3A8-1R.Beith
Index Islamic Revolution Post WW2 Asia China Code 4D?H.Roos-Etter
Index UK or Egypt - mail to Greece suspended WW2 Africa British censors in Africa & the Middle East Network Egypt Code 3B1-1R.Johnson
Index Wartime Regulations and BPA censorship WW2 Europe Great Britain Civil mail Code 3A8-1G.Mark
Index Deputy Assistant Censor 6161 WW2 Europe Great Britain Civil mail Code 3A8-1K.Morenweiser
Index British Censorship in Lisbon? WW2 Europe Great Britain Code 3A8K.Morenweiser
Index British Censorship in Lisbon? WW2 Europe Portugal Code 3A16K.Morenweiser
Index Civil Censorship WW2 Europe Hungary Civil mail Code 3A24-1I.Gazda
Index Mail from Switzerland to U.K., Canada & USA WW2 Europe Switzerland Code 3A19Ch.J.LaBlonde
Index USA to Croatia - stopped by French Censors WW1 Europe France Civil mail Code 1A5-1G.Mark
Index Greece - a query WW2 Europe Greece Code 3A7Ch.Miller
Index PC Slips WW2 Europe Great Britain Civil mail Code 3A8-1M.White & P.Burrows
Index Refund of Postage WW1 Europe Great Britain Code 1A7G.Mark
Index Refund of Postage WW2 Europe Great Britain Code 3A8G.Mark
Index Censor Office Belfast dated handstamp WW2 Europe Great Britain Civil mail Code 3A8-1K.Winkelmann
Index A Recent Find WW2 The Americas British Empire Dominica (RR) Code 3C10-6D.J.Little
Index A recent find - PC90 # 7188 WW2 Europe Gibraltar Code 3A6D.J.Little
Index Recent Finds WW2 Europe Malta Code 3A12D.J.Little