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Date Loaded:
22 Oct 2019 10:00:34
Item Information
Record Type:
Auction Catalogues & Private Treaty
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Item Title:
18 Nov 1967; Sale No: 178
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Copyright End Rule Text:
Canada Great Britain France
Copyright Deceased Year:
Who Name:
Horner (vendor)
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Publication Place:
UK : Manchester
Physical Description:
Page Nos List:
18 Nov 1967
Number of Pages:
Sale: 178
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
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Associated Documents
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Key Words 
Index Editorial  Dingle Smith
Index Wapex 93 Exhibitions  
Index Favourite Covers from South Africa Reviews  
Index Two Favourite Covers from South Africa South Africa Dingle Smith
Index Hector Kinloch - a tribute Obituary Pamela Van der Sprenkel
Index Unusual Features of Belgian Postal Stationery Belgium Ian McMahon
Index Unusual Features of Belgian Postal Stationery Postal Stationery Ian McMahon
Index The Dynamic Roots of Postal History - Reading 72: First Flight] Aerophilately Alan Tippett
Index The Dynamic Roots of Postal History - Reading 72: First Flight] Postal History Alan Tippett
Index A Mysterious Sydney c.d.s. ..[... A.M.F.] Postal History Ken Humphreys
Index New Zealand and the U.P.U to 1907 by Colin Capilf Reviews Ian McMahon
Index Review: New Zealand and the U.P.U to 1907 by Colin Capill  Ian McMahon
Index Additional Commonwealth PTPO Stationery Postal Stationery Ian McMahon
Index Editorial  Dingle Smith
Index Volume 12 No 2, February 1994 - Page number incorrect throughout - should read p17 to p32. Volumes  
Index A Different Perspective on 1931 England to Australia Air Mail Aerophilately Chris Dalton
Index An Unusual Airmail Marking Aerophilately Darryl Fuller
Index An Unusual Airmail Marking Leeward Islands Darryl Fuller
Index An Unusual Airmail Marking [Leeward Is]  Darryl Fuller
Index A Mysterious Sydney c.d.s. - Apology, Correction and Discussion.[ ... A.M.F. ..] Reviews Dingle Smith
Index NSW Revenues: Part 4 - The Long Revenues & The Telegraph Stamps New South Wales [NSW] Dingle Smith
Index Editorial  Dingle Smith
Index Bangkok93 Exhibitions  
Index Canberra Stamp Show 94 [8th National Philatelic Convention] Exhibitions  
Index Wapex 93 Exhibitions  
Index Developments in Judging - Canberra Stamp Show 94 Exhibiting Dingle Smith
Index Developments in Judging - Canberra Stamp Show 94  Edric Druce
Index Australien Mysterie Filatelique - the Sydney A.M.F.  R Tobin
Index An Unusual Airmail Marking [Leeward lsl(Darry1 Fuller) Postal Stationery  
Index A Mysterious Sydney c.d.s. - Apology, Correction and Discussion.[ ... A.M.F.] Postal History  
Index Mail Handling in the A.C.T. Postal History Tony Orchard
Index NSW Revenues Part 4 Revenues Dingle Smith
Index International Express Post Envelopes Postal Stationery Ian McMahon
Index Hong Kong Postage Stamps of the Queen Victoria Period: Reviews Edric Druce
Index Review: Frank and Free - Victoria by Hans Karman Reviews  
Index The Revenue Stamps of South Australia by W D Craig, A D Presgrave and M J Walker Reviews Dingle Smith
Index Review: Hong Kong Postal Stationery by Hans Schoenfeld Reviews Darryl Fuller
Index United States Stamps and Covers 1847-1869: The Ryohei Ishikawa Collection - Auction Catalogue Christie's New York, Sept 1993 Reviews Darryl Fuller
Index Editorial  Dingle Smith
Index From the Cradle to the Grave - and Beyond [Queensland Revenues] Revenues Ian McMahon
Index Hong Kong 1879-1880: Postal Stationery Cards with Affiied Stamps Hong Kong Richard Gurevitch
Index Hong Kong 1879-1880: Postal Stationery Cards with Affixed Stamps Postal Stationery Richard Gurevitch
Index NSW Revenues: Part 5 - K Edward VII Stamp Duties New South Wales [NSW] Dingle Smith
Index The Dynamic Roots of Postal History - No 41 Roads and Posts of Roman Britain  Alan Tippett
Index Northpex 94 [New Zealand] Exhibitions  
Index Queensland Stamp Show 94 Exhibitions  
Index Review: The Journal of British Commonwealth Philately British Commonwealth Darryl Fuller