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Date Loaded:
22 Oct 2019 10:00:34
Item Information
Record Type:
Auction Catalogues & Private Treaty
Source Record Type:
Item Title:
30 Jan 1998; Sale No: 535
Copyright End Year:
Item Sub Title:
Copyright End Rule Code:
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Copyright End Rule Text:
Copyright Deceased Year:
Who Name:
Class Mark:
Publication Place:
UK : Derby
Physical Description:
Page Nos List:
30 Jan 1998
Number of Pages:
Sale: 535
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
No data to display
Associated Documents
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No data to display
Key Words 
Index WW1 GB - Ceylon WW1 Asia Ceylon Code 1D2M.White
Index PoW Censorship A legal document from a PoW WW1 Europe Great Britain PoW & Internee mail O.R. camps Code 1A7-3-1G.Mark
Index WW1 GB - Thailand WW1 Asia Thailand Code 1D10M.White
Index Lebanon/Syria Late Bill robertson's Syria & Lebanon, Free French Censorship 2011 WW2 Asia French Colonies Lebanon & Syria Code 3D2-3G.Mark
Index Egypt Unreported Egyptian label OPENED BUT UNCENSORED WW2 Africa British censors in Africa & the Middle East Network Egypt Civil mail Code 3B1-1-1M.Parren & K.Morenweiser
Index Civil Censorship Handstamp type 9 WW2 Europe Great Britain Civil mail Code 3A8-1G.Mark
Index Civil Censorship New handstamp WW2 Europe Great Britain Civil mail Code 3A8-1G.Mark
Index Great Britain, General Censor Certificate P.C.37A WW2 Europe Great Britain Code 3A8G.Mark
Index Civil Censorship New Version of PC72 WW2 Europe Great Britain Civil mail Code 3A8-1G.Mark
Index Civil Censorship New Version of PC116 WW2 Europe Great Britain Civil mail Code 3A8-1G.Mark
Index New Guinea Papua & New Guinea - Censorship at Port Moresby WW2 Australasia & Oceania British Empire New Guinea Code 3E1-3M.White
Index Papua & New Guinea Censorship at Port Moresby WW2 Australasia & Oceania British Empire Papua (W) Code 3E1-5M.White
Index British Areas, General Cover held by censorship WW2 The Americas British Empire Code 3C10T.Richards
Index Civil Censorship Cover held by Censorship WW2 The Americas USA Civil mail Code 3C9-1T.Richards
Index Indonesia 1955/56 Currency Exchange control T.MacGillicuddy & others Post WW2 Code 4J.Wang, T.MacGillicuddy
Index Bulgaria 1969 Stamp Exchange control Post WW2 Code 4J.Wang
Index Poland 1981/82 Censorship in Gdansk Post WW2 Europe Poland Solidarity Crisis 1981-1982 Code 4A15-2G.duBoulay